Part 3: Came Back

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Raven pov

I fly to the base of the tower and look up. The reflection of the moon shines on the windows of the tower. I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the sadness.

I fly up the tower, watching my reflection fly parallel with me. I fly all the way up to the window that looks into the common room.

I stop and hover, peering into the window. My eyes are adjusting as I try to look past the reflection. My eyes adjust enough to see little outlines in the dark of the common room.

I remember Beast Boy would ask me if I wanted to play a game with him and I was so harsh when refusing. It wasn't until Terra was gone that I actually caved and played one game with him.

My chest tightens. I wish I was kinder to him. I wish I was like I am now. When I think back he was annoying and immature at times, but he just wanted to make people laugh. I can feel my grip on my emotions falter. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

I open my eyes after regaining control. My eyes have adjusted even more, allowing me to see into the room more clearly. I startle when I realize two eyes are staring into mine.

I pull away from the window, knocking my hood down. I notice the silhouette of a tall, lean man. I realize the man has fangs, pointed ears, and deep green eyes.

I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. The control I had on my emotions is slipping away being replaced by panic, sadness, anger, and most of all... regret. I can feel it. My powers are going out of control.

It feels like everything is happening in slow motion. The window in front of me shatters. I look past the millions of tiny shards to the man who is holding his arms up protectively. I see him... his green skin in the moonlight. His messy dark green hair getting sprinkled by the glass.

He's moving out of view. No. I'm moving. No. I'm falling. I lost control of my powers, I can't fly or do anything. I'm too shocked to scream. All I can do is close my eyes and wait for the impact.
Beast Boy pov

I didn't intend to see anyone from the Teen Titans. Panic washes over me as my eyes lock with a pair of purple ones. I instantly recognize those eyes. Those purple eyes.

Raven is backlit by the moon. Her hood falls down as she backs away, revealing her medium length hair that sways in the wind. It's a stunning sight. She looks like some kind of... angel.

I hear the cracking of the glass milliseconds before it shatters. Thank you animal senses. I quickly raise my arms in front of my face to protect myself from the glass shards. I look between a small gap between my arms and notice Raven. She's falling. I quickly run towards the window and without thinking I jump out after her.

I turn into a pterodactyl and dive after her. I grab her with my feet and beat my wings to slow our descent. Once we're down by the rocks at the base of the tower, I carefully put her down on a flat rock. I turn back into human form and crouch beside her.

"Are you okay Rae?" I ask looking at her laying on the rock. My initial panic of seeing one of the Titans is set aside and replaced by concern for Raven. She has covered her face with her arm and is silent. "Rae?" I ask quietly.

"It's Raven!" She yells as a rock nearby cracks in half. Crap... she's mad. Of course she's mad. What did I expect? I was so immature and messed up all the time then I disappeared. She never really liked me and she pitied me when Terra forgot everything and rejected me. Why would she want to see me? I wouldn't want to see me...

I sigh and sit next to her silently. My heart is pounding like crazy. I'm stil trying to wrap my head around what just happened. She just showed up in front of me. I didn't even intend to see the other Titans. The tower seemed abandoned when I did a quick sweep as a mouse, so I didn't expect to see anyone.

I stare out at the sea trying to settle my nerves. The moon is reflecting off the water, making it look like it's sparkling. I can hear the rocks around Rar crack from time to time, but mostly I hear the water softly lap at the rocks. If I wasn't so damn scared and worried, for Raven and my safety, I'd think sitting here is quite peaceful.

"Why did you come back?" Raven says so quietly I would have missed it if it weren't for my animal hearing.

"I... I just wanted to remember the old times." I said, running my fingers through my hair while keeping my eyes on the water.

I hear her sit up next to me. "I thought you died..." She whispers.

"No, but I'm sure some of the Titans wish I did." I say half joking half not.

"Don't say that." She says, her voice catching. I turn to her. Her arms are wrapped around her knees and she's staring out at sea. Tears are rolling down her cheeks. I'm shocked. I had never ever... Ever seen Raven cry.

"I'm sorry, Raven." Was all I could manage to say.

She turns to me with pain in her eyes. "I didn't mean to snap at you earlier. I was just... shocked. You can call me Rae." She says wiping away her tears with the sleeve of her hoodie.

"Soooo then Rae, do uh... You come here often?" I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

Her lips curl into a smile and she let's out the cutest giggle. I can't believe I made Raven laugh. I feel like I'm floating.

I feel my cheeks flush. When did she become cute? I mean I always thought Rae was kind of hot, but in a scary way. Now she's actually cute in that not going to kill me way.

"Why did you come back?" Rae asks.


Author's note


Sooooooooo this update might have more errors than previous updates because of less revision. I try to update every Friday, but with finals it was hard to find time to revise.  Hopefully it isn't too bad and y'all still enjoy it!
I'll also be trying to change my writing style because I want to improve more as a writer (≧▽≦). I plan on updating the cover as well, so keep an eye out for that! Thank y'all for reading my first ever fanfic and published work! (。・ω・。)ノ♡

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