Something pushed her, making her lose her balance and sending her falling to the ground. Instinctively, she put her hands out in front of her- a small mistake as her wrist took the brunet of her weight. A sharp pain shot up her arm, making her wince. She glanced back to see what had thrown her down and saw Hayato right beside her. To save her from getting killed, he'd pushed her to the ground.

He helped her up and the two of them sprinted to the truck.

Araya was already in the driver's seat and no sooner than Hayato was halfway into the truck, he was peeling out and barreling down the highway. "Mariko, radio HQ and ask for an immediate extraction," he ordered, tossing her a radio.

Automatically, she turned the dial to channel 9- the Japanese military channel. "This is Alpha Squadron 5 asking for immediate extraction. I repeat this is Alpha Squadron 5 asking for immediate extraction."

There was a pause as she waited for a response before radioing again.

"Alpha five, this is Red Leader we read you. There will be an extraction team waiting at Sunwi-do at 1200," a voice answered. "Repeat there will be an extraction team waiting at Sunwi-do at 1200."

"Copy that," Mariko said putting the radio down.

"Sunwi-do?" he asked.

"Yep, at 12 p.m. We've got about six hours," she told him.


"M, can I get a put of help?" Hayato called out, his voice weak.

Mariko turned to face him, and her eyes widened with sudden panic.

He was extremely pale, and his face was beaded with sweat. His breathing was shallow.

Her eyes trailed down to his stomach, which was clutching desperately at his side. His hand was sticky with blood. She immediately ripped off part of his shirt to inspect the wound. "When did you get this?" she asked. Thankfully, there was an exit wound, meaning she wouldn't have to crudely dig the bullet out with her bare hands.

"When I pushed you," he grunted.

Mariko placed her hands over both ends of the wound and felt her palms tingle as the familiar glow enveloped them. She concentrated as Hayato's face relaxed a bit and his pain lessened.

"You can stop now," he said, once the wound was no longer life-threatening. He knew that Mariko was nowhere near overusing her quirk, but her body recovered from the use much slower than most and they couldn't risk both of them being weak.

"Your wife's gonna get so mad at you," she said eyeing the wound.

"She'll be madder at you for ruining my shirt," he quipped.

She smirked. "Get some rest for now. We've got a long drive left. I'll wake you if there's trouble," she told him.

Hayato looked at her warily but eventually relaxed enough to go to sleep.

"How's the wrist?" Araya asked after a while. Of course, he'd noticed that it was progressively getting more swollen as time went by.

"Not broken. I'll still be able to fire a gun at least," she sighed.

Araya nodded. "I'm sorry I dragged you back into this shit again," he told her, his grip tightening on the steering wheel.

She glanced at him, "Don't be. It's my fault for not getting the job done all those years ago."

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