Chapter 33 - Fallen Hero

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Aurori busts into the conference room where his friends and Drake's father are discussing the daily news. He jogs to the table dripping in sweat from running.

"I just got a letter from the Northern Air Nomads that Talon's father and Talon are gone. They said they went on a business meeting and the air benders are calling for our help before they return."

"And we will answer their call," says Lord Ren with great authority. He looks over at the guards as he nods for them to go prepare some troops.

"I need to go myself to get my family out of there," says Aurori.

"Then we will go with you," replies Haruto.

"No one gets left behind," smiles Eliese.

Aurori smiles as he knows this is the best chance at taking over the air temple. Haruto begins his preparation of a plan of attack while Aurori and Eliese go off to prepare their bison.

"I want you to stay here Eliese," Aurori speaks softly.

"What," she replies in disbelief. "I'm going if you're going. Don't forget they are my family too."

"If something was to happen to you it would be my fault," he replies as he pulls her in close for a hug.

"You're my boyfriend, not my guardian," she replies as she kisses his forehead.

Lord Ren and Haruto draw up their plan as Dargan interrupts. "I wanna go too. If y'all are going to fight I wanna fight. I'm tired of running away from evil when I have a chance to face it and save others."

Lord Ren nods as Haruto tells him they might as well all go because they are a team now and teams work together. Lord Ren agrees as he finalizes the orders for the fire nation to help take back the Northern Air Temple.

"We will be arriving at the Federation soon Zaheer," states Talon who walks in the control room of the airship.

"This should be an easy capture since it isn't occupied. I heard it wasn't even habited," Zaheer says as he turns around to Talon.

"No sir it's not, after Mazuku sent his message everyone abandoned it out of fear."

"Good once I'm done here I have an avatar that misses me. She and I have a very long overdue meeting that doesn't last five minutes," replies Zaheer as he gets a glance of the Federation of Nations from afar.

When the ships arrive they are met by exactly what Mazuku described. An empty ghost city with not a bit of life present. Some of the buildings still are destroyed from the attack from over a year ago that caused the abandonment of the city. Zaheer and his troops March to the capitol building where they are bringing in the battle plans and other essentials for their army.

"Let's get this city cleaned up and ready to bring in our people. After that's finished send word to Mazuku that the capital is ours," says Zaheer as he begins to put the pieces in place on the map at the war table.

Back at the Northern Air Temple Aurori and the crew arrive at what's seems to be battle already taking place. The air benders have started a retaliation against the black crows. Aurori and the gang jump off of the bison and join in as Aurora's brother spots them from a distance.

Haruto runs to make his way over to the stream so he can use his bending to help while Kira and Dargan start using their fire bending to help out the air benders. Eliese makes direct eye contact with Aurori's brother and weaves her way through the battle to get to him. The air benders are confused at the help of the group at first since they aren't one of their own but quickly notice their allegiance is to their people.

"Where is the rest of our families," asks Eliese.

"My parents are injured and back at the healing station. I believe your parents are there as well," replies Aurori's brother as he air bends two crows off the side of the mountain.

Aurori with his skill begins to get noticed as a real threat to the crows. One of the commanders for the crow's waves for a soldier to run over.

"Get word to the Alpha that we need him on the field that they are here," demands the commander as he pushes the soldier away.

Aurori and Haruto together fight side by side striking down and defeating all opponents in their path. On the other end, Dargan and Kira do the same but not as effortless. When Eliese arrives in the medical tent Aurori's parents immediately get up and rush to her.

"Is he safe," they ask nervously.

"Yes both of them are and they are helping the others fight but we need to get you guys out of here and my family," replies Eliese.

"I'll go get your parents wait right here," informs Aurori's father as he rushes around the injured civilians to the back.

Back at the battle Haruto and Aurori assert their dominance against the black crows. One by one dropping then without a single drop of sweat. Their power overshadows the attackers. Out of nowhere, they are both launched backward after two boulders slam into them.

Aurori injured heavily is slow to get it. Haruto and he both stand as a single fight resides across from them. Masked the fighter starts to attack as he unleashes all of his strength and beats both the boys in the fight. Aurori has taken his toll but Haruto gets back up to fight.

He sends a waterfall at the mysterious man as it is blocked quickly and multiple attacks swarm his way. Haruto tries to dodge them all but on a rock, sickle punctures his leg causing him to no longer be able to fight. In the face of defeat, the masked man removes his mask to show his face.

"It can't be," whispers Aurori as he stares at his best friend Mirano.

"My power is unquestionable now thanks to my master," says Mirano as he stands above Haruto and Aurori.

"What did they do to you," asks Haruto as Mirano looks pale with darkened eyes.

"They made me powerful," he says as he slings them backward with the ground.

In the distance, the citizens and air nomads are evacuating. Mirano who has no fear of his friends' survival gives them a chance to leave alive.

"If you return or retaliate against us it will be the last time you retaliate again," he commands as the Haruto and Aurori help each other out to safety.

They climb on the airships that came to evacuate the temple where their loved ones await. Mirano stands firm as he watches them leave and the conquest of the Northern Air Temple is complete.

"Inform Mazuko the temple is ours," says Mirano as he walks away in the ash.

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