Chapter 9 - The Tournament

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The crowd can be heard roaring across the Federation. The streets echoing the screams and hoorahs from the spectators. Everyone awaits the first contestants.

"Ladies and gentlemen introducing from the Water Nation we have Jacque. She is a fierce water bender who is described by her teachers to be the most focused bender they have seen."

Jacque walks out to cheers and fist pumps. She glances over the crowd and closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She opens them and looks across to her first opponent.

"Now out of the Earth Kingdom, described by his teachers as the greatest earth bending student who has ever walked through these doors. Give a shout for Mirano!"

Mirano walks out with his game face ready. He clenches his fist and gives a smirk for the fans. Everyone cheers so loud for him the announcer has to settle the stadium down.

"That's my boy out there! Go get her Mirano! Show no mercy!" Mirano looks up to his dad sitting at the top right of his side of the stadium. He knows how much he needs to win this tournament for his father.

"Audience as the contestants are already aware the fight will be until one is knocked out, gives up, or their corner throws in the towel. The contestants have been over the rules already so let's get this show started. Are both the contestants ready."

Jacque and Mirano both nod while already in their battle stance. The audience is nowhere to be heard as the stadium is in complete silence.

"Ready, Set, FIGHT!"

Mirano starts off the fight by slinging a Boulder he rose from the ground with his feet. Jacque pulls up water from below and freezes it in place. Before she can react she is immediately knocked into the wall by a huge slab of rock Mirano sent rocketing her way. Jacque gets up already in panic mode. She runs to the side and begins creating a slide to navigate on. Mirano slings rocks at her causing her to cut inside. He puts on a grin as that is exactly what he wanted. Jacque panicking to get some offense in goes straight for Mirano. Mirano jumps up and spins in the air. He comes down with a downward punch to the surface that rises a platform right under Jacque. That platform shatters the ice and sends her flying into the atmosphere. Looking for the finishing blow Mirano builds a boulder in the shape of a ball and launches it at her. Right, when she gets her eye coordination back on track she is blindsided by the boulder. She falls unconscious to the ground and is caught before impact by her teachers' water bending.

The crowd goes wild! The cheering and banter have already begun as the first victory in the tournament are complete. Mirano's father stands up cheering his son who is the loudest among his section.

Mirano looks around at all the support from the Earth Kingdom. He even sees people from other nations cheering. Mirano smiles big and begins to come to the realization that he is the chosen one and he will beat Talon for the tournament victory.

The announcer leans into the mic with an I pressed face. "Winner by knockout... MIRANO!!!!"

25 minutes later

"Look I know you've had a bad semester so just go out there give it your best and have fun" states the fire bending teacher.

Drake looks over at his teacher with a determined face. "I'm going to win this fight don't worry. I'm out to prove I'm not some loser and there is only one way I'm gonna do that."

The two teachers look at each other. They give one another a weird look by being caught off guard by Drake's determination.

"How far do you think Drake will last in this tournament" questions Kira.

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