Chapter 7 - The Black Crows

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Two days before the tournament

The boys come back from their individual element classes after the end of the academy's day. The students rush out the doors to go on and have fun before their days with their friends are over. The Federation is a place of dreams. In the entire continent, it is the only city where benders from all four nations live together if they choose. The boys showcasing the same uniforms but different colors to represent their nations all walk out and make their way to their favorite place in the city.

There is an older man who sells books and paintings from the forgotten lands. His shop is just the outside of town but never sees guest. Most people in the Ketori don't care about the forgotten lands. Every time people speak of it they speak of the fire nations conquest and the evil Ozai. The boys find it fascinating, especially the stories about Avatar Aang. Ketori's founders left those lands to get away from all that hurt and to get a fresh start without any issues. At the academy, the students are required to take a history class about the forgotten lands and the Avatar's but most of them don't care or even pay attention during it. The boys, on the other hand, love the class and are always anxious to learn more.

After greeting Mr. Hensei, the boys grab a few books from his collection and goes outside to read and chat.

Haruto - "I still can't believe this is what it is like in the forgotten lands."

Aurori - "It's crazy thinking that their continent is still going like ours but probably more advanced."

Drake - "For me, it's hard to read about the fire nation. I mean look at us we're so peaceful here."

Mirano - "Yeah well all the nations in Ketori get along. I think the only evil people in Ketori is that group of terrorists. What are they called Haruto, the group your dad always talks to us about."

Haruto - "The Black Crows, the group of benders that paint their faces black and kill people and terrorizes their lands. My father actually has a big meeting about that coming up, apparently, they are growing and trying to get the nations to turn on one another."

Aurori - "That will never happen. Something really bad would have to happen for Ketori to fall into such destruction."

Drake - "Well I wouldn't say it would never happen I mean look at the forgotten lands. I doubt they expected the fire nation to turn and conquer the continent."

Mirano - "Well I would love to see these Black Crows come near me. I'll end them in their path for the better of everyone."

Haruto - "They aren't nobodies though, they are really good benders and what makes them so dangerous is all the members host the different elements instead of the entire clan being one type of bender."

Mirano - "This tournament is going to change our lives. After Saturday we will be off doing our own thing and living our own lives."

Drake - "But we will always get together because we're boys for life and ain't nothing or nobody going to change that."

Aurori - "You got that right and Mirano you best get ready because I'm coming for that trophy Saturday."

Mirano - "Let's just hope we can face each other in the finals. I'm not planning on letting Talon leave my side of the bracket. I'm sick of that bitch."

Drake - "All I've heard all year is Talon this Talon that from Lydia and her friends. I hope you beat his ass because he needs to be humbled so damn bad."

Haruto - "Well karma is a bitch and Talon is someone who it's gonna hit worst when it does hit him."

Aurori - "Well when your dad is the leader of the Air Nomads and you get the best training you have to be the best. The guy literally has masters from each element train at their castle with him."

Mirano - "Lydia is in the tournament though are you hoping you get that match up Drake. I mean if you both win your first two you will face each other."

Drake - "Hell no, I don't wanna face her because I won't have it in me to beat her."

Aurori - "I want to face Kira though. She needs a good ass whooping too."

Haruto - "You know we joke about beating up each other in this tournament but one day, we might actually have to fight for our lives against that Black Crows. I mean it's scary and even my father is scared something bad is going to happen that's why the entire council is nervous and meeting about it."

Aurori - "I believe we will be fine. They got this under control."

The boys finish up their reading and agree to do a little practice with each other at the training grounds before they go back to their dorms to sleep. Haruto still stuck on The Black Crows walks nervously as he can't stop thinking about how worried his father was about the situation. The other boys are only worried about the tournament and having fun. Mirano already snuck in some alcohol from his house back in the earth kingdom for them to enjoy the night after the tournament. Aurori acts as calm as a clam but really he is having jitters about that tournament. Drake is just Drake about everything. He doesn't really care where he places as long as he has fun and Lydia doesn't get hurt.

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