Chapter 27 - The Master Plan

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"Prepare the weapon," informs Mazuku as he walks into his council room. He goes straight to his chair at the head of the table and overlooks his other six councilmen.

"We have a rock in our plan as Fire Lord Akui failed to secure the Fire Nation to our cause. I'm preparing the weapon now for use," he states as he looks on to the other council. They all look at Mazuku in concern as they didn't plan on using the weapon until after the entire continent was secured.

"My lord I thought we agreed to wait until we secured all of the nations so we could avoid Harmony and the Avatar being brought into this fight," asks councilmen Lakume.

"Our time is running short and either way the Avatar nor the nations in Harmony will have time to stop the weapon. It will blast quickly and immediately change everything we know about the spirits and especially the Avatar," he states with great confidence.

"We heard you speak of this weapon creating another avatar but how is that possible," councilmen Davark asks as he dons his earth kingdom clothing.

"The weapon will cripple the spirit world causing it to split. If the avatar is inside the spirit world when this happens Raava the spirit inside her will split as well. Raava will never be able to form into one again but she won't die. It's like twins Raava is the egg and it gets split so two are born."

"You mean two Raavas. How would that benefit us creating another avatar," questions Lakume.

"Because we have the other host of Raavas split life here with us. Soon he will be on our side and then we will be unstoppable. While we prepare our world, he will lead our army," states Mazuku in a proud voice.

The councilmen look around in suspicion as they don't know if the whole splitting Raava's spirit is possible. One bold councilman, councilmen Tekohuu, decides to ask the question no one is willing to put forth.

"How do we know this is all true and how do we know that prisoner you have will be the next avatar," he asks.

"I know someone who is powerful enough to foresee aspects of the future. She showed me these visions and saw the weapon work and Raava split. She also saw a glimpse of what could be the next avatar. It was a boy fighting in the tournament and she said he was powerful. My prisoner was in the finals and the best bender there even more powerful than Talon. If she stands correct the weapon will work and we will have the next avatar in our hands."

"Alright let's say she is right. What if the Avatar that lives in Republic City in Harmony. What's her name I hear stories about what she has done there..... oh Avatar Korra that's her name what if she tries to stop you," argues Tekohuu.

"Don't worry about her I have just the plan for our dear Avatar Korra. I know someone who is going to know the third time is the charm," replies Mazuku as everyone looks confused about his statement.

As they all get up to go their separate ways Mazuku stops them. "The weapon will be used in two weeks by then the Air Nomads will already fully be controlled and the Earth Kingdom will completely be accounted for. When it does happen I want all of you at your posts until my return, and gentlemen, I expect everything to be in line when I do."

The councilmen nod and leave one by one. Mazuku walks over to his hand-picked special group of fighters. Prepare my ship for Harmony and secure the weapon on board. We make way for the southern pole in Harmony at sundown."

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