Chapter 21 - The Final Lesson

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Flames burst around in the sky as Drake and Master Takashi dance with the dragons. They move in sync with the mighty Ran and Shaw. Each move building upon their knowledge of the ways of fire bending. Drake for the first time in his life feels in control of his bending and the knowledge with it.

When they finish up the dragons fly into their caves. Drake who at first is worry he failed the test is startled when the dragons shoot out the cave swirling around them. The dragons both look at him and Master Takashi before the wrap around each other going up. The dragons bless them and show their approval as the release two huge flames.

As they go to leave Drake is set with his final test. Master Takashi goes into his battle stance for one last showdown with his pupil. Drake who knows what's about to go down smiles and gets into his stance. Both Master and Pupil showcase big grins as they wait for the others move

Drake blasts his way towards him as Takashi waves the attacks off. He creates a wide vortex as Drake dives into it severing it with his own bending. Drake pushes forward with using his hands as flame throwers and begins unleashing multiple attacks. Master Takashi blocks every one of them but begins to weaken as Drake's power behind his attacks is strong. He hopes to catch Drake off guard with a ground pound but Drake jumps over the flame wave and swings his leg around knocking Master Takashi to the ground.

"You've done well my young pupil. When you came here you were weak, closed-minded, reckless. Now you will leave as a fire bending master and one of the most knowledgeable ones around."

As they begin to make their way back to camp a loud roar out of the sky. A dark crimson colored dragon comes swooping down and surrounds Drake inside him. Drake who is visibly concerned starts to panic. Out of nowhere the dragon roars once again and breathes fire into the sky. The heat instantly causes Drake to sweat.

"Drake this is your new dragon. Let him guide you, protect you, and serve you. There aren't many fire benders throughout history who had one so treat him with respect and as a dear friend."

"Absolutely, I'll call him Raul," Drake says as he can't stop smiling at the fact he has his own dragon.

"Listen to me Drake and listen carefully. It's time you return home because there is nothing more I can teach you. Just be aware that your home will not be in the same situation as it was when you left. Be there for the people you love and help spread well throughout your nation. You might not know your purpose in life but I promise one day you will find that purpose. Drake....... Never forget your name means dragon so be a dragon."

Drake who is happy but sad knowing this is goodbye, hugs Master Takashi tight. He hops on his dragon who prepares to take off. "Thank you, Master Takashi, I'll never forget your teachings or your friendship."

Raul takes off into the sky and heads East into the sunset. He flaps his wings through the sky as Drake holds on for dear life. "Easy buddy it's my first time doing something like this." The dragon flys up then dart straight down. The gust blows Drake's hair and clothes around as he can barely hold on. At the last moment, Raul pulls up and spins back into the sky. "Alright, I guess you're going to be stubborn about the whole let's take it easy huh."

As they fly through the night Drake thinks about what he is going home to. He feels anxious but also worried that when he arrives there might not be anything left.

The next morning he is awoken at Raul landing on the ground. Kids run towards him in shock of seeing a dragon. "Can I ride," they all shout one after another. Drake dismounts Raul and begins to walk around the island looking for the adults.

An old man walks up with wide eyes that seem lost in Raul. He glances at Drake and gets even bigger eyes. "I never thought I'd see the day you would return."

"Is this Somei Island," Drake questions.

"It sure is and it's the only allied occupied land in the entire fire nation," the old man states.

Drake looks around to see a bunch of adults gathered around a stone table. He walks up to notice some of them are part of the fire nation military. "I'm sorry to interrupt but is Ren and Ara on this island," Drake asks politely.

One man in a general outfit walks up and notices Drake immediately. "It's good to see your alive but unfortunately your parents are captives in a prisoner camp on the other side of the country. This is the northernmost of the fire nation and they are at Black Tower Prison in the south."

Drake turns around and walks away.

"Where are you going," questions the General.

"To free my parents."

"You can go there alone it's a suicide mission. You'll be captured immediately it's the third-largest prison."

"I'll find a way," Drake replies as he mounts Raul and takes off.

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