Chapter 6 - The List

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Three days before the tournament

The headmaster walks out onto the floor to give the speech to the students. Every student of the age of 18 is present looking around anxious to finally start the festivities and things for tournament week.

"The tournament is our most anticipated event of the year. Not only is it a big deal for you all but it is a big deal for the nations. This tournament generates a lot of currency for The Federation of Nations but most of all it allows you all to showcase what you have learned. As all of you know from previous years everyone is able to participate in the tournament although some choose not to. At the beginning of this year, we elected to change the tournament format to a 62 competitor bracket."

All of the students begin complaining as they know that means a good chunk of the students will not get the opportunity. All four of the boys look at each other in fear of the possibility of missing out. As the students protest out loud they are quickly silenced by the headmaster.

"There will be 12 competitors from each nation. The way we chose the competitors is who the teachers believed is the most capable of succeeding and who has made great progress and really put effort into their time here this year. At this time we have made a list of the 12 competitors from each element and listed them outside on the board. Now on to more important matters. The winner of this tournament will earn themselves forever glory. Students for years to come will see their statue in the hall of champions. The rules of the tournament are simple. The match isn't over until the opponent is knocked out or forfeits. This tournament is dangerous and accidents can happen so we tell each and every one of you that are on that list to accept your invitation with courage and honor."

The headmaster waves his way out as the students immediately rush out the door to see who made the cut.

Mirano - "I don't even have to look at that shit I know I'm on that list or it's rigged."

Drake - "I mean I might not have made it but then again I don't care about forever glory anyway."

Aurori - "Well I care, I've been busting my ass all year for this tournament. If I don't make the cut I'm going straight to Master Saki and calling bullshit."

The boys get to the list after following behind Aurori as he pushed everyone out of his way. They all four glance on it with different emotions coming from each of their faces.

Mirano - "Told you I made the list I'm even the number one seed on my side."

Aurori - "I made a number two seed."

Haruto - "Drake you a 12th seed."

Mirano - "I honestly can't believe you made the cut but hey better to be the worst seed than not one at all."

Drake - "Yeah you're right about that. I was honestly scared I wasn't going to make the cut. I mean I know I haven't performed good in these tournaments but I still like to participate."

Haruto - "I mean you never made it out of the second round but who is keeping upright," he says with a big laugh.

Drake - "Shut up you jerk" he replies smiling and laughing with them all.

Haruto - "I guess me being third seed is pretty fair. I mean I'm good but not great."

Mirano - "You already know Talon got a number one seed with his untouchable ass," he says so sarcastic the boys try not to laugh out loud.

They exit the crowd and make their way to the back as Lydia, Kira, Dargan, and Talon walk by. The boys look at Mirano who is staring right at Talon to see if he is going to say something smart to him.

Mirano - "I cant wait to see your daddy's face when you lose the most important tournament."

Talon stops in place and turns around and walks back as the girls begin to get him to walk away.

Talon - "Aren't you the guy I eliminated last year. Even better the one who I sent straight into the dirt and couldn't move."

Mirano - "Its a new year and I can definitely say your ass is mine this year. I'm coming for you Talon and when we step in that arena everyone is going to realize you're not shit."

Haruto and the other guys jump in between them as they begin to get aggressive. Haruto being the honorable person he apologizes to Talon and forces the guys back.

Lydia looks over at Drake who is trying his best to hold in his laughter. She walks up to him and grabs his right shoulder and turns him around.

Lydia - "You need to control his mouth before he steps on a pedestal he can't handle."

Drake - "I will try but really Talon, you deserve so much better."

Kira stomps her way over already red in the face of anger.

Kira - "She did get what she deserved and it was a man who was worth something. It isn't her fault you have a pity party for yourself because you got friend-zoned."

She pulls Lydia's arm as they calm Talon down and walk away. The boys knowing Mirano's actions were unnecessary laugh together knowing what he said was funny.

Mirano - "No offense Drake but Lydia isn't worth it if she thinks that guy is something special."

Drake - "She is the only girl I've ever loved Miro, I can't help how I feel but I really don't wanna compete and have him beat my ass. I can't handle Kira bragging in my face of his superiority over me."

Haruto - "Guys we don't even have dates for the dance. I mean I know the tournament is on Saturday but the dance is Friday."

Aurori - "I going to ask that cute water bender in your class Haruto. I know I'm not the outgoing type but hell she needs a man especially one like me."

Drake - "I see someone is feeling themself this week."

Mirano - "I don't need a date the only thing I'm going to be doing the night of the dance is getting in last-minute practices."

Haruto - "I kind of want to ask Dargan."

Aurori - "Dargan? You mean you are trying to take the enemy to the dance."

Drake noticing Haruto's embarrassment gives him a big pat on the back.

Drake - "Dargan has always been nice to us especially me. I think she would be lucky to go with a guy like you man. I mean shit I don't even know who I'm going to go with."

Mirano - "I know who you aren't going with."

The boys all laugh together knowing he is talking about Lydia. Drake who loves his friends can't even get mad and laughs at such a good comeback.

Aurori - "Let's just make a pact right here right now."

All of them - "Alright"

Aurori - "If one of us wins the tournament. No matter who it is we will be happy for them."

Haruto - "and always stay boys forever."

They all three out there hands in and agree. They end their day by going to their dorms and getting a good rest for the coming days.

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