Chapter 15 - Yakushi Village

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"Set up a perimeter around the front gate and let's get a group at the back gate to cover the flank" shouts the general of the resistance.

Mirano the best fighter in the resistance that's at the village marches to the front lines. He pulls back his long hair and ties it in a bun. As they wait patiently for an attack the village guards direct all the civilians to the biggest house and hide.

"They were supposed to be here by now," says one of the resistance fighters.

Out of nowhere a huge rumble occurs. The ground begins to shake beneath the warriors as they can't keep their balance. They all run to grab a hold of something but some are lost to the cracks that form underneath their very feet. Fireblast comes flying through as do air and water. The fight has begun but what was suppose to be a coordinated battle became an ambush.

Mirano guides two other fighters with him to attack the hostile head-on. As they engage the rest of the village begins to be destroyed by the earthquake.

"They have to have one powerful earth bender to produce a quake of such magnitude," shouts the General.
The kids and other civilians begin running out of the house they were hiding in. Some of them get away but a lot of them are trapped between the earth. As the fights goes on Mirano is seen by the Black Crows battalion leader as a threat. He dismounts his horse and quickly pursues Mirano. Trying to stop him in his path two resistance fighters engage him but are killed quickly and simultaneously. 

The village begins burning and wood from the house starts to collapse. The civilians flee with nowhere to go. The General reaches Mirano and they quickly engage one another.

The fight intensely as Mirano tries to protect civilians at the same time. The heat from the burning houses has caused everyone to sweat. Embers and ash begin to rise into the sky turning it grey as if a storm is brewing. As the Black Crows continue to terrorize the village some civilians begin to take a stand and fight back. Mirano who is still battling the General stands his ground. The General realizes he is up against a phenomenal earth bender and breaks off and flees. He commands all his men to retreat. As the resistance celebrates the villagers are left in agony as some of their loved ones lie dead on the ground. Once a peaceful village has been torn apart and burnt to a crisp.

"That was a hell of some bending out there son," mentions one of the elderly village men.

"Thanks, I'm just trying to get the world back to the way it was."

As Mirano makes his way back to his squad the battalion captain walks over to brief the soldiers. "You all did well here today. Tomorrow we are going to make our way into the mountains to meet up with the rest of the resistance."

The soldiers all nod and cheer as they begin packing up their things and getting ready for a night's rest. Mirano grabs his things and begins to make his way to his tent before he is stopped by the captain.

"That was some great bending out there today. I'm glad we have someone as skilled as you with us to make this journey a lot easier."

"Looking around and seeing these people gain hope right when they lost it is why I do it. I want to fight for the people who can't defend themselves whether they can bend or not. I also want to prove myself and show the world how great I truly am."

"You did that today kid you showed a lot of heart. Not many people can do what you can at 19 years old and they sure as hell weren't close to becoming a master of their element. Well get some rest I don't expect the resistance to get a warm welcome in the Black Crow plagued mountains."

The next morning Mirano is woken by the sun glaring through the cracks of his tent. Exhausted, he slowly gets up and walks out of the tent to begin his day. The villagers have already begun cooking a nice breakfast for the resistance soldiers as they prepare for their journey into the mountains. As he looks around he can't help but smile at the happy faces of the villagers whose lives he just saved.

A man in his mid 50's walked up to Aurori and hands him a necklace. "This necklace is known as the heart of the mountain. There is a story that this medallion on the necklace opens a secret place in the mountains. Before our time on these lands there were others who used the secret place as a bunker to hide their valuables and treasure. I want you to take it as a token for saving our village. You gave these children here a free life as the Black Crows would've used them as workers."

"You're welcome..... uh,"

"Henfrey, my name is Henfrey."

"Thanks Mr. Henfrey, I promise to hold on to it and he'll maybe I'll get lucky enough to find the hidden bunker."

"Take care son, these are dark times. You never know who is watching or what you will run into."

Henfrey walks off as Mirano puts the necklace around his neck. He proceeds to join up with the rest of the battalion as they begin their march into the mountains. Mirano catches up as they are sent off by the villagers.

Their journey is a tough one as no one has entered the mountains since the massacre. Weeks after the attack people started to notice the Black Crows entering and exiting the mountains so everyone stayed away.

Mirano and his battalion travel for about an hour as they walk past quiet and abandon homes and farms as they close upon the mountains. In the distance they can already see the other battalions waiting for their arrival.

"Well I guess it's time to send these Crows where they belong, their grave," says a soldier as his close allies laugh.

"General Ju Suit Se, my men are all here and ready for the joint operation," states Miranos battalion captain.

General Ju Suit Se nods as he commands all the battalions to form together. He starts by having all the soldiers who are nonbenders grab weapons and shields. As they all form into line the General prepares a final speech.

"Today men we go into dangerous territory. A territory that we haven't walked in a long time. We will definitely find something up there. It might be death and fear, or, it might be courage. What we accomplish today will dictate how the rest of the nations will play out. We have been given the greatest task so it is imperative that we succeed no matter what."

The men showing nothing but support and bravery, cheer as they begin their march into the nest of the enemy.

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