Chapter 20 - No Way Back

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"Princess Lydia it's time for your ceremonial dinner," says her personal maid.

"I'm coming," Lydia replies as she stares at herself in the mirror. She takes a deep breath, clears her throat, and makes her way to the party.

Upon her arrival, she is met by the prince of the Air Nomads Talon. "I'm glad you could finally make it even though it is fifteen minutes late."

"I'm sorry my hair took a lot longer than expected," she says as she looks off at all the guests.

"We are here today to celebrate the marriage between Prince Talon and his new Princess, Lydia. Yesterday was a remarkable day as Lydia becomes the first non air bender to be in the line of Queen for the Air Nomads. We want to wish them a happy life and bless them with good fortunes."

Lydia ignores Talon's father speech as she stares at the water in her glass. Everyone notices her being uninterested in the party. As the party goes on it is time for the dance with the wind. A royal dance is done by the prince and princess at their wedding for many years.

As everyone dances the night away Talon's father the King has to leave after an urgent message from one of his councilmen. Aurori who is in the crowd dancing with his girlfriend Eliese notices the Kings hurry out the party.

"So did you tell your parents about us yet," questions Eliese.

"I'm planning on telling them after the party. We are supposed to have a get together of all our family friends and speaking of that I want you and your family to come."

"Really! That would be amazing Aurori. I love you boy you know that" she says with a big smile.

"Yes I know and I love you."

The party continues but the King rushes to his private quarters an open area on the side of a cliff. He walks up behind a man standing looking out into the night.

"I thought we made an agreement to not have you show your face around here."

The man turns around and is the masked leader of the Black Crows. "I don't think you get to make demands to me Hiroto."

"If anyone sees you then our alliance will be known and everyone here will disown me faster than you can blink."

"No one will know as long as you keep your mouth shut."

King Hiroto who is visibly anger points his finger at the masked man. "You need to leave now," he demands.

"Never demand me to do anything again or it will be the last demand you ever make," shouts the masked man.

"You think I'm afraid of you. I've never seen you bend an element before which means you probably can't which makes you unable to give me demands."

"Fine, then I'll bring my army to these mountains and knock them to the ground how does that sound. I'll extinguish the Air Nomads just as Fire Lord Sozin did in Harmony."

"No please forgive me, it's just a bad time For you to be here with the royal wedding and all."

"I've come to bring you the news that Mirano the mighty earth bender came with the resistance a week ago to attack our base. As I've told you I believe he is the Avatar I was told about. Soon he will crack and join us and when he does I expect your son to welcome him in good graces."

"Of course my son will do as he is told."

"Good well give him my congrats and I'll keep in touch Hiroto......."

As King Hiroto goes to walk away he is called out by the masked man. "One more thing don't forget to never act as my superior again. I'll be back in a few weeks with more information."

The party begins to die down as everyone sends the Prince and Princess to their palace. When they arrive Talon immediately slams their palace door and strikes Lydia across the face. "If you ever embarrass me in front of my people again I will make sure you never leave this palace do you understand me."

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"I've given you everything a woman could want and you don't nothing but act like you don't give a shit about anything. Now go upstairs and take off your clothes."

"Take off my clothes," Lydia questions.

"Of course. My father expects and grandchild and I plan on giving him one," Talon replies.

Lydia slowly walks upstairs as tears slowly begin to fall down her cheek. When she reaches their room she shuts the door and burst into tears. Each tear for a different reason. She looks out the window, lost at how her perfect life got turned into her worst nightmare. She went from dating a great guy who was the best bender to marrying a monster who cares about nothing but his image and power. Her biggest regret though is ever leaving the fire nation her home. Even with the civil war there to her, it is better than being trapped with Talon in his paradise.

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