Chapter 31 - The Aftermath

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Drake wakes up panicking as the last thing he remembers was the brightness that blinded him from the blast. He looks around dripping in a sweat wondering where he is. In a random house, he doesn't recognize he jumps out of his bed and outside. When he runs out of the house he sees a table with a bunch of spirits and an old man sitting at the end.

"Oh good you're awake, I was wondering when you would finally wake from your sleep," says the old man.

"Where am I and who are you," asks Drake confusingly.

"My name is Iroh, I'm a spirit here in the spirit world. I found you far away from the blast site unconscious. I must say at first I was concerned about how you survived such a high energy blast but when I noticed your eyes glowing I quickly realized you were the avatar."

"I'm not the avatar, I'm the Fire Lord of the fire nation in the land of Ketori. I was in this spirit world to help Avatar Korra but a bomb or something went off and I don't remember anything after."

"Your body has been in recovery for a month now. Raava the spirit inside you has put you in the avatar state over and over throughout the month healing you both slowly."

"I don't understand any of this," pleads Drake as he sits down at the table with Iroh.

"Something happened that has never happened before. The blast ruptured the spirit world and everything in the blast radius was destroyed except for Raava's inside of Korra and Vaatu inside the tree of time. See light and darkness must always exist and they are so powerful the blast couldn't physically destroy them but it did split them in two. My only guess is the other half of Raava's spirit went straight to the only living thing near it which was you and the other half is still inside Korra."

"So I'm the avatar," questions Drake.

"You both are," answers Iroh with joy. "Luckily although Vaatu's spirit split both parts are still trapped in the tree of time. What this means for your abilities and spiritual connection to the physical and spiritual world I'm not quite sure that will have to be something you find out yourself."

"You said I've been asleep for a month. If that's the case I've been gone from the physical world for a month. Where is the closest portal from here," asks Drake.

"It is wherever your heart desires. The spirit world forms around you if you think it's far it will be far if you believe it is close it is close," says Iroh as Drake nods.

"Thank you, I hope one day we meet again," smiles Drake.

"I'm always here for anyone who needs guidance," replies Iroh as he returns a smile.

Drake leaves Iroh's home in the spirit world and begins his travel back to the portal. After hours of traveling, he finds himself lost. He sits down in frustration as he feels he will never find his way out. He finally gets tired of sitting and gets up to try again. Drake closes his eyes and takes a deep breath to clear his mind. He continues on and walks upon the portals which are closed. He knows only the avatar can open and close the portals so he decides to find out if what Iroh said was true.

Drake places his hand on the portal that leads to the South Pole and miraculously opens it. His eyes open wide as he is indeed the avatar. He walks through the portal then turns around and closes it back. Before Drake can even turn around he is plunged by snow from Raul's landing. Raul comforts Drake as the intelligent animal knew Drake hadn't returned from the spirit world. Drake hops on the back of Raul who looks back at him. "Let's go home, buddy. We need to make sure everyone is alright," he says to Raul as the dragon takes off from the ground.

Back in Republic City, the council is having a meeting with President Li about a recent attack near Ba Sing Se. "I will get some airbenders there right away," says Tenzin.

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