Chapter 5 - Back In Session

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Five days before the tournament

The students around the continent return to the academy as the final week is underway. Each grade is separated by age. Kids arrive when they are 13 and graduate at 18. At the end of each year, they have a tournament for each age group to determine the best bender. Everyone people around the continent come to watch the tournaments and see who will gain forever glory. Talon the air bender dating Lydia has won the tournament for the last three years. The boys all take the tournament seriously even though they don't practice or don't work hard preparing for it.

Mirano - "Here we are boys, the final week until the tournament."

Haruto - "The final week until we graduate you mean."

Aurori - "This year's tournament is going to be insane, especially with all the drama surrounding it."

Mirano - "I'm taking this one home this year I can promise you that. Nothing is going to stop me even Talon."

Aurori - "Isn't air benders your biggest challenge."

Mirano - "That's why I've been practicing with you bro. I'm going to take Talon out whether it is the first round or finals. I might even say the win is for Drake."

Drake - "Very funny Miro, I hope you do win so your father stops pushing you so hard."

Mirano - "I know he has been stressing me out lately about this tournament but in the end, it will be worth it when I take home first place."

Aurori - "Well good luck boys because I've been working hard to capture that trophy as well."

Haruto - "I'll try in the tournament but all I care about is this friendship not ending when our time here is done."

The boys all look at Haruto and begin forming a hug in the shape of a circle. When they come out the headmaster begins making his way to the courtyard.

"Attention students! We are glad you all could make a safe trip back to the academy and hope you're excited about the tournament this Saturday . We the four elders just want to wish you all the best of luck and hope each and every one of you finishes strong. These times are the times where you will be tested the most and that's why we say don't overdo yourself. Have fun and remember what we have taught you throughout the year or for you future graduates, throughout your time" says the headmaster as he glazes upon the students.

The students are then taken to their individual element classes to practice and learn more strategies against the other elements.

Drake along with the other fire benders make their way with master Kyushu to the fire bending arena. The students all take their seats in the stands as he begins to speak.

"As you know this tournament is a big deal for each and every one of you individually. It is also important to us as an element. We want to make sure the fire bending students outperform the other elemental students so we can brag as an element to the other groups. I hope everyone was practicing with their trainers and other associates back home during the break because we are about to demonstrate with the help of our recent air bending graduate Yomoshi here on strategies against his element."

While the two teachers begin bending and showcasing strategies, Lydia and her two best girl friends Kira and Dargan begin to talk.

Kira - "So girl tell us how things are going with the prince of the air nomads."

Lydia - "He is everything a girl could dream of. He is funny, an amazing bender obviously and very sweet."

Dargan - "It must be nice dating the most popular and best bender in the academy."

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