Chapter 10 - Round Two

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Mirano walks back and sends a rock wall racing towards his opponent. The move connects and ends up being another final blow in the tournament for him.

The crowd like in the first round roars across the arena chanting his name.

"You're winner by knockout! MIRANO!!!!!"

Mirano walks back to the contestant lounge as the crowd sends him off in cheers. He walks backstage to Drake and Aurori who congratulate him on his win.

"Alright boys it's your guys turn to make something happen" states Mirano as he can't stop smiling.

Next up on the list is Talon the three-year straight champion who dusted his first-round opponent quickly and effortlessly.

The announcer looks down at the bracket and sees Talon up next. "Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to stand up for your three-time reigning champion Talon!!!"

The crowd erupts like never before. Everyone shouting and cheering Talon on like he is the greatest thing anyone has ever seen. He definitely accumulated more cheers than everyone else combined.

Talon arrogant as always asked his opponent if they are ready for their ass-whooping. His opponent from the water nation doesn't reply with and walks back to his side fired up.

"Ready, Set, FIGHT!"

Talon rushes with his air scooter and quickly does a backflip off into the air. He quickly sends an air blast towards his opponent and before they can react, they are blasted into the wall. They jump up and once again blasted into the wall as Talon lays it to him. His opponent tries to send a crushing wave to him but Talon uses his air bending to turn it into a vortex then sends it back. His opponent gets swallowed up in the vortex and drops the water to the floor. Talon charges up a devastating attack that sends a full force of air towards his opponent that knocks him out instantly.

"Winner by knockout and in fashion, TALON!!!!"

The crowd goes wild as everyone begins to rise and clap for their champion. Lydia immediately jumps up celebrating her boyfriend's quick win as does Lydia and Dargan.

"Now that's what you call a win," says Kira.

"I know, my boyfriend is the best. How did I get so lucky" blushes, Lydia.

"By going after what you deserve instead of that loser Drake," says Kira as they all continue to celebrate.

I'm the contestant lounge Aurori and Drake wait for their time to come. They both sat looking at the door waiting for their name to be called.

"I know I can win this Drake, I just have a feeling like I can't lose."

"Anyone can lose Aurori, that's why everyone is so stressed out."

"You have been pretty calm believe it or not."

"I'm on a mission to beat Talon's ass and prove I'm not some nobody."

Aurori looks at Drake with the are you for real face. "Good luck with that one buddy, but hey, if you win he is your next opponent according to the bracket."

"Well we will see but you're the one who is up next and can definitely win this thing. I know we talked all Christmas break about Mirano losing to you and all but, he can't be mad at you going after your dreams."

The doorman walks in and waves for Aurori. "Thanks, Drake you're the best man."

Aurori steps out into the stadium and everyone is silent. It wasn't like his first time where everyone cheered. Aurori thought you himself must've been the fact Talon just finished pleasing his fans.

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