Chapter 14 - Lost Time

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Dear Mirano,

After a day and not a single word from Drake or Haruto. It still feels new that we haven't seen each other in so long especially the four of us together.

I still haven't heard from Haruto since the massacre which is pretty upsetting considering the pain he has had to go through with his father being gone. The last I heard from Drake he was setting off on a ship back to the forgotten lands to find something but that was months ago. He didn't even specify what he was looking for just that it was important.

The Air Nomads is doing good except for the fact they don't wanna help anyone else but our own people. One day I hope I can join you in the fight against the Black Crows so together we can end this tyranny.


Aurori rolls up his letter and ties a white ribbon around it. He then ties it to the foot of a hawk which immediately flies off to deliver it. As he looks around he just keeps thinking about how awful life has been since the attack. He and his friends went from planning a trip around the continent to barely or not even speaking to each other because of the massacre.

In the wake of the events, Aurori and his family are paranoid over the Fire Nations civil war. With half of the Fire Nation wanting to go back to the old ways of controlling all of the world it is only in Aurori's mind to prepare for the worst. He has practiced every day since the attack and has even become an air bending master. A few months after the attack at the tournament he was awarded his arrows to show he was a master.

As Aurori looks out to the sky he can only think about his friends and if they are alright. He grabs his glider and makes way for the platform. He jumps off and soars through the sky to clear his mind. He makes his way to the quietest spot around and lands there. Upon his arrival he notices Eliese sitting down looking at him.

"Can't sleep again?"

"Yeah, I just sent another letter to Mirano and all I can think about is my friends safety."

"What does your heart tell you," she asks.

Aurori looks over at her and gives her a soft smile. "It tells me they are alright and just as worried about me as I am them."

"My parents are worried about the Fire Nation. They keep going out trying to get new information on how the war over there is going."

"It's definitely worrying knowing they are fighting amongst themselves."

"Yeah especially since half the nation wants to take over the entire world again."

"I know one thing, everyone would be better off just bunkering down or joining forces to defeat the Black Crows. Sitting here putting in half effort or fighting with ourselves isn't going to do us any good."

"Although I think you're right Eliese, it's a lot easy to say when our nation is at peace right now."

Eliese looks over at Aurori and tries to hide a smile. "Well I guess it's because I know you'll be around if we ever need help."

Aurori looks over at her and notices her blushing at him. He grabs her hand and looks her in the eyes. He gently lifts her hand up and kisses it as he holds on to it tightly. "You know my brother is going to freak out when he finds out I have a girlfriend."

"He won't freak out because you won't tell him or your parents," she replies in an upsetting tone.

"I will tell them, I promise but, things are kind of uneasy right now and I don't want to rush the special bond we've built here."

Eliese smiles and nods as she lays her head on his shoulder. They both look out at the clouds with the moon shining so bright they can see far out into the world.

They both lay down and enjoy a moment of silence and their time together. For Aurori the last month of hiding their relationship has been soothing. It gives him an excuse to not worrying about anyone else and listen to his parents annoy him about her. He isn't ashamed of her, it's just the time they spend alone together is precious and peaceful to him.

When Aurori arrives home he is quickly met by his parents who were worried sick. "It has been hours Aurori! Not only has it been hours but it is in the middle of the night," shouts his mother.

"I was out doing some training mom, I'm sorry it won't happen again."

He walks right past his dinner on the table that has already turned cold. As he heads to his room he stops in the doorway of his brother's bedroom. He gently smiles and walks inside. He sits down on the bed beside him. "I know you don't understand much of what's going on around here but I promise one day you will. Hell, even one day you might understand better than everyone does today."

He gets up and makes his way to the door. Basinger who was pretending to be asleep rolls over facing Aurori. "I know it's hard for you not knowing about your friends' safety and the war Aurori. I just think you don't understand how worried mom and dad get when you are gone for long periods of time."

Aurori sits back down in realization of what he said. "I know but I want to be prepared for anything. It's my duty to keep this family safe especially you."

Basinger hugs his brother tight and smiles as he knows Aurori just wants the best. He understands both sides that's why it is so hard on him to watch them both bicker with each other.

Aurori extinguishes the hallway candles and goes to his room. He undressed and gets into his bedclothes as he opens up his window and looks out into the sky once more. It's hard these days for him to get sleep knowing everywhere else there is fighting.

Just as he pulls the softly knitted blanket to his shoulders he catches a glimpse of his favorite picture. The picture is Mirano, Drake, Haruto, and his first day at the academy. He begins to smile remembering that day but it fades away quickly at the thought of present times. He knocks the dust off the top of the picture and gently places it back in its spot. He licks his two fingers once more and puts out the candle by his bed. With the nice breeze blowing and the sound of silence he slowly falls asleep.

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