Chapter twenty three

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I tried to write this when I was completely exhausted and I just couldn't that's why it's like been seven days sorry 😩

Your POV

After a day out on the lake and a ton of swimming it was time to go to bed. "I'll stay on my side." Corbyn says softly as he climbs into bed next to you. You nod your head as you look at the small gap between the two of you.

A big part of you just wanted to tell him to come closer and cuddle you but you were to nervous. "I'm turning out the lights." Corbyn says softly as he turns off the lamp. Corbyn scrolls through his phone as you try and fall asleep. Corbyn took off his shirt causing your eyes to widen. It was very hot in the room so you kept taking off your blanket. You were only wearing a tank top and shorts but you were still hot due to how restless your body was. You flipped over in the bed as you tried to get comfortable but your mind continued to race.

"Are you having a spazz attack?" Corbyn asks you with a small laugh. "I can't calm down. My mind is just going at an insane speed and I'm literally sweating." You rant to him as you sit up in the bed.

"Come on." Corbyn says as he stands up. "What?" You ask him as you were very confused.

"Get up. I wanna take you somewhere." He says softly. Your eyes land on his abs causing you to take a deep breath. "Where are we going?" You ask him as you get up.

"Just somewhere that will calm your mind." He says as he leads you out of the room. He grabs your hand as you you quietly snuck out of the cabin. "It's kinda late tho." You say nervously.

"Y/N. We are on vacation plus you need help calming down." He says as he squeezes your hand. He leads you into the woods causing you to get even more confused. "Are you gonna kill me and bury my body in the woods?" You ask him playfully.

"Yep. How did you find out?" Corbyn replies sarcastically. You shake your head as you look over at him. He had a smile on his face and his perfectly toned body was glowing in the moon light. "Next trip we need to go camping." Corbyn says breaking the silence.

"Ewww. Bugs and sleeping on the ground." You say in a disgusted tone. "Well you could sleep on me and I'll kill all the bugs." Corbyn replies confidently.

A branch smacked you in the face causing Corbyn to start laughing. "Stop. That hurt." You say as you laugh with him. "Are you okay? Any bruises?" Corbyn says softly as he examines your face.

"I'm fine." You reassure him as you continue walking side by side. Corbyn stops walking when you arrive at a big open area. "You have arrived." He says as he extends his arms to the area.

"Wow...  what is it?" You reply with fake enthusiasm. He lies down on the ground causing you to give him a concerned look. "Join me." He says as he pats the ground beside him.

You sigh as you lay beside him. You keep your eyes on him. "What are we doing?" You ask him as you laugh. "You haven't even looked up this entire time." He says as he points up at the sky.

Your eyes land on the sky and you stare in wonder. You had never seen so many stars before. They beautifully painted the sky. "Wow." You mumble as you keep your eyes on the sky. "Wow is right." Corbyn says softly but his eyes weren't on the sky.

You felt his gaze on you causing your cheeks to get hot. You turn towards him and meet his beautiful eyes. Somehow they were brighter than all the stars. Corbyn took a small breathe as he kept his eyes on yours. "If you squint you can see the moon that orbits Kelplar 452." Corbyn says as he looks away from you.

"Space nerd." You say playfully as you look to where he is pointing. "What even is Kelplar 452?" You ask him softly.

"It's a planet that could have life on it. Like it has a strip down the middle that is habitual like earth." Corbyn tells you. You loved when he spit facts or talked about space because he talked so passionately about it and it was the cutest thing.

Ayoooo I posted 😂

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