Chapter ten

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Still waiting on the album 😩


Your POV

"Come on Y/N! I'm hungry." Corbyn complained like a little child. "One more store and then lunch." You say as you practically drag him across the mall.

"I'm hungry." He mumbled as he wrapped his arms around your waist and clung onto you as you walked. You needed new bras and you hoped Corbyn wouldn't mind.

"Victoria's secret." He mumbled as he rested his head on your shoulder. "I just need to try a couple things on and then we can leave. Please don't be weird." You say softly as you walk into the store.

He kept his hands wrapped around your waist as you looked around the store. "I could fit my head in that." Corbyn says as you hear his adorable giggle. He points to a big bra causing you to smack his hand down.

"Shut up." You mumble as you look around. "What size do you wear?" He asks softly. "I'm not answering that." You mumble as you keep looking.

"I'll be right back." Corbyn whispers as he let's go of you. "No don't." You whisper as he walks away. You grabbed a couple bras to try on and you were still wondering where Corbyn was.

"This smells like you." He says handing you a perfume bottle. You read the title and it said sexy lady. "Very funny." You mumble as you hand it back to him. His cute laugh echoed through the store causing a lot of people to look over at him.

"Let's go to the dressing room." You say as you lead him to the back of the store. "Can I try on some bras?" He asks jokingly.

"No." You say as you finally reach the dressing room. "I'll just wait out here." He says as he rubs his tired eyes. You go inside the dressing room and try on a few bras.

"Are you gonna show me so I can tell you if they look good?" Corbyn says sarcastically through the door. "No corbyn." You yell back.

"It's not like I haven't seen you without a shirt before." He says a little too loud. "Shut up Corbyn." You whisper sharply.

"To clarify for anyone eavesdropping. We are just friends! One time she spilled chili on her shirt and took it off! I'm not a perv!" He yelled causing you to mentally slap yourself. You quickly got back into your clothes and walked out of the dressing room.

"You are so embarrassing." You mumble. "It's your fault for bringing me." He says defensively. You grab his arm and lead him to the register.

"Your boobs are that big?" He says in disbelief as he looks at the bras in your hand. You just roll your eyes at him. "No corbyn. The bra I have in my hand is for jonah." You say sarcastically.

"I'm sorry I don't know how big your boobs are. It's not like I stare at them." He whispers aggressively. "Can we change the topic?" You mumble.

"Yeah I'm sorry. I'm just hangry." He whispers as he wraps his arms around your waist. He felt so soft and cuddly. You feel his arms remove from your waist as he grabs something off the wall. You look over at him and he is holding a bright pink bra over his shirt.

"Take that off." You whispered as a laugh escaped from your lips. "Are you saying I look fat with it on?" He says in a girly voice causing you to laugh. You snatch it out of his hands and hang it back up.

Corbyns crazy 😂🥰

{Corbyn Besson}  FriendZoneWhere stories live. Discover now