Chapter sixteen

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School starts very soon 😒


Your POV

"We are going bowling." Zach said as he wrapped his arm around you. You notice Corbyn tighten his jaw as he stares at you and Zach. You all got ready and then drove to a bowling alley. "Y/N get on my back." Daniel says playfully.

You jump on his back and squeal as he carries you inside. You notice Corbyn seems a bit upset but you just shrug it off. You all get bowling shoes and then grab bowling balls. "I can carry yours for you." Corbyn says as he grabs your ball from you.

"Thanks." You say softly as you walk behind him. You all stand near your lane as Jonah types in your names. "What are the teams?" Jonah asked everyone.

"Me, Y/N and Jack vs you guys." Corbyn says quickly. "I wanted to be with Y/N." Zach mumbles as he slumps in his seat.

Jonah finishes typing in your names and then the game started. Corbyn was up first and he got a strike. "Wow! Your practically a professional bowler." You say playfully as he takes a seat next to you. "I'm just special." He says playfully causing you to shove him.

Jonah went and he knocked down all the pins but one. Then it was your turn. You picked up your ball and threw it at the pins. The ball went right into the gutter. "I suck." You mumble as you go to grab your ball and throw it again. "You don't suck you just need some help." Corbyn says softly as he appears behind you.

You hold the ball and Corbyn puts his hand over yours. "Just step forward and release it in the middle." Corbyn whispers in your ear. You feel butterflies in your stomach as you look at his hand on yours. You throw the ball with help from Corbyn and it knocks down 7 pins.

"You did it!" Corbyn yells as he pulls you into a hug. "Thank you for helping me." You say softly as you smile up at him. The rest of the guys looked jealous as you both sat back down.

The game went on and Corbyn was in the lead with Jonah close behind him. "Corbowl! Corbowl!" You and Zach chanted as you laughed. Corbyn just winked at you as he threw the ball at the pins.


{Corbyn Besson}  FriendZoneWhere stories live. Discover now