Ch 9 Searching but Life Continues

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After Ruby ran off after the whole kissing you on the cheek Penny did manage to catch up to her after some awhile.

Penny: Friend Ruby.

Ruby: Penny, just call me Ruby.

Penny: Okay friend Ru- I mean Ruby. Why did you run off? You did not even say a good bye to friend Y/N.

Ruby: Because I kissed Y/N!

Penny: I do not understand. Is that bad?

Ruby: Yes! I mean no! Penny, I don't know.

Penny: So you what me to?

Ruby: NO! Why would you?

Penny: You said that is how you would show appreciation. He is my new friend.

Ruby: Uggh. How do I say this? Okay, okay. Penny, remember when you said you wanted to talk about cute boys?

Penny: Yes.

Ruby: Well that's what I think about Y/N. I think more than that though.

Penny: Then is sensational! I always wanted to talk like this to friends.

Ruby: Do you know what to do?

Penny: Traditions of gift giving has it that the giver do not expect a gift in return.

Ruby: But this is Y/N.

Penny: Why don't you get him a gift?

Ruby: I can't afford to get Y/N a gift like his. (sighs) His was too good. Something I would of wanted.

Looking down in defeat Penny saw how her new friend was sad. She knew that she had to help Ruby like any friend would.

Penny: Ruby, my father gave me the gift of exploring Vale.

Ruby: So the experience was better than anything money can buy?

Penny: Yes. I even made two new friends.

Ruby: I guess this can be a good way to try
to find Blake also. Kill two Crows with one stone like my Uncle used to say.

Penny: Is it not killing two birds with one stone?

Ruby: It is.

After searching through the city for a solid hour they found nothing.

Ruby: We can't find Blake and we can't even find Y/N a present!

Penny: Bye Ruby. I have to go. Though I can help tomorrow.

Ruby: Okay. Well bye then. Thanks.

Sitting on a bench defeated Ruby was unsure what to do but heard a mysterious voice that was calling for her.

????: Did you just say Y/N?

Ruby: Yes? Who are you?

Onyx: Onyx. Let's say we're mutual friends. Well technically more than that.

Ruby: How do you know Y/N?

Onyx: (sits on the bench) I knew him and his dad for quite a bit. Torque was how would say kinda a jackass but it was in good spirit.

Ruby: Who is Torque?

Onyx: He only told me his call-sign and his surname. We had this bet if I would ever find out his name. Guess I lost now.

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