Ch 33 One Day too Late

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A week passed by and true to her word Violet took you to the island of Patch. Saying all of your goodbyes with some photos taken for the memories you left.

Landing as close to Tai's house you got out of the bullhead with Violet coming out as well.

Violet: Well I guess this is it.

Y/N: I guess it is.

Violet: Well you more than earned it Y/N. You were a massive help. I think I even saw Doc smile.

Y/N: You're lying.

Violet: I wouldn't have believe it if I wasn't there for myself.

Y/N: What's going to happen with everyone?

Violet: Well as soon as the other bullheads arrive we're leaving.

Y/N: And you?

Violet: Home. When I return back home my husband owes me a dinner. Oh, and another thing. Hearing about Ruby I took the liberty of doing something with that steel Rose.

Violet took out the steel Rose only that it was different. It looked like as if the Rose was the real thing.

Violet: Believe it or not there was one time when I was an artist.

Y/N: Thank you.

Violet: Trust me on this. After what you put her through with Ruby thinking you are dead this will only sweeten your return. It is one to know your loved one is missing and another knowing they are dead.

Y/N: I know. Me personally I would want an answer even if I may not like it. At least then I would have closure.

Violet: Yeah... that and you know to show your appreciation. Like how my husband is going to give me a massage upon returning. Oh, and touching it up was Doc's idea.

Y/N: Really!?

Violet: Yeah.

Y/N: Thank him for me.

Violet: Try not to die.

Y/N: You too.

Violet: Oh, and I don't think you should tell about the part of the whole getting eaten by a Grimm. You know?

Y/N: I'll skip that part.

Hugging Violet you said your goodbye before she returns to the bullhead, flying away. You watch on for a few moments before you walk to Tai's house. It was not too hard given you have been there. Right before the first day of Beacon as well as during break.

Arriving to the house walking up to the door you took a deep breath and knock. A minute passes before it opened to Tai.

Tai: Is... Is that really you Y/N?

Y/N: The one and only.

Tai: Oh thank god!

Y/N: I know you may have questions but it can wait. Where's Ruby?

Tai: Ruby... She... She left a day earlier.

No amount of words could describe how mad you were by this revelation. But now was not the time.

Y/N: Okay, okay. Fine.

Tai: How did you arrive!? How did you-

Y/N: We can talk this over later but do you have some sort of weapons bench. I need to finish my weapons.

The Lone Agents (Ruby Rose x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt