Ch 23 Derailed Mission

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It was only the second day of your team being on their mission with you stuck at Beacon to complete some paperwork.

Ozpin: ... and that is that. Congratulations, Y/N. Once the papers are sent you are now a citizen of Vale.

Y/N: Finally! This should make it much more easier to go over Vale's borders.

Ozpin: Correct me if I was wrong but how did you not had to do it recently with Vacuo?

Y/N: There is certain areas you can cross to go through. Is it dangerous? Yes. Did I had to kill a lot of Grimm? Yup.

Ozpin, hand on his face slid it down.

Ozpin: I don't even want to know now how your father even managed to smuggled you into kingdoms that don't connect with Vale's landmass.

Y/N: Well you shouldn't have asked.

Ozpin suddenly heard his scroll ring. Picking it up his face frowns.

Ozpin: Take a wild guess what I received.

Y/N: Does it involve my team?

Ozpin: Well they are the only team operating in the area and it appears someone picked up on something concerning. A person with their seismograph picked a large release of energy. Now there is no earthquake so-

Y/N: Explosions.

Ozpin: What's more concerning is that it is close to the area that Vale sealing the tunnel off, which now leads me to predict this to be the train station.

Y/N: And the Atlesian Fleet?

Ozpin: I'm certain that Ironwood has already
sent it. With what was picked up this certainly isn't natural, and likely is a criminal element.

Your face sours at the thought of what could be happening with your team.

Ozpin: I'm sure that you would want to see to it to make sure if your teammates are safe.

Ozpin walks up to the window and stares out, seeing his academy.

Ozpin: It's too bad that I'm too distracted by this window to notice that a set of Atlas keys will go missing that is surely stored inside the aircraft. Too bad that we will never find it as surely the person would be smart enough to also destroy it to leave no trace. Now if you excuse me I'm going to look out the window for awhile now.

You smile, taking the cue.

Y/N: Well I'm going now. Thank you.

Ozpin: Take care Y/N.

Leaving and grabbing your gear you arrive to what was an Atlas VTOL. Better was how you see what seems to be the newest model of the Atlesian Knights.

Y/N: Oooh. I get some toys to play with.

Entering inside with a certain case and some of your helpers you see that the keys were in the ignition.

Y/N: Thank you, Ozpin.

Since you did not know how to fly you could only enter the coordinates. The VTOL will be able to fly there.

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