Ch 21 A Field Trip

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It was the following morning after the CCTS tower incident. Ruby was asked of course to report to Ozpin's office the next morning but brought you along as well.

Y/N: Are you certain that I should be here with you?

Ruby: Yes. Besides we have stuff to do after this.

Y/N: Alright. Though did you really have to push all the elevator buttons?

As you said that the elevator doors open to a random floor and immediately closes.

Ruby: The buttons looks shiny when they are all lighted up.

Taking in a deep breath you exhale it in your annoyance of the situation.

Y/N: This is going to be a long ride.

Ruby: Want to play tic tac toe?

Minutes later and the match went as what is to be expected from such a Rose.

Ruby I win!

Y/N: It's a draw.

Ruby: Look.

Ruby proceeds to put another circle and low and behold this happens.

Ruby proceeds to put another circle and low and behold this happens

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Y/N: That's cheating!

Ruby: Nu-uh.

Y/N: Just for that no hugs today.

Ruby: Nooooooo!

Y/N: You did this to yourself.

Ruby: I need my hugs!

Y/N: You should of thought of that before you cheated.

With that Ruby was force to do some drastic measures. She attempts her infamous puppy eyes but you look up to not give in.

Ruby: Y/N. Please.

You let out another breath of air, sighing.

Y/N: Fine. How could I say no to you?

Ruby: Hug please.

Y/N: Try it again though and I can do the same and unlike you it will not be how you say so blatantly obvious.

Pulling Ruby's hand forward you envelop her in your tight embrace, and for awhile you two stayed hugging until you heard Ozpin.

Ozpin: Ahem.

Ruby quickly separated, embarrass over how they got caught. You couldn't care less.

Ruby: Sorry it took so long to get over here. Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the elevator on the way up here. It wasn't me.

The three adults look to you as you roll your eyes on the fact that this made it sound like you were the reason for this. You decide to simply lie to cover for Ruby.

The Lone Agents (Ruby Rose x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora