Ch 29 Only Just the Beginning

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You heard the carnage happening before your eyes open to see the ground and a pair of legs running across it. As you were being lifted on someone's shoulders in a Fireman's carry you couldn't help but try to see what's happening. But as your vision blurred out you could only hear the man carrying you while running.


As shots rang out through the air you began to loose consciousness only to presumably wake up seconds later to more yelling.

Random Person: Leave them behind!

Other Person: But, but-

Random Person: He is practically dead and they lost too much blood! Do you think they want to be the reason why you die?

Other Person: N-I mean no.

Random Person: Then hurry. We need to get to the evacuation point before too many people arrive there.

Eventually waking up, blinking and trying to see what is exactly happening someone puts their hand on you.

Random Person: Just lay back down their son.

Despite the massive headache you at the very least went into a sitting position. You paid no attention to what was happening as you had more urgent matters to do.

Y/N: I... urgh.

Looking down you see a piece of shrapnel in your body that was sticking out.

Random Person: That blast did a number on you. I'm surprised you actually survived.

Y/N: Where. Where is my weapons?

Random Person: If you're talking about the swords they're broken.

Y/N: How long was I out?

Random Person: An hour maybe? Fighting is still happening outside. This is the only part that is for certain protected.

Y/N: Gotta go. I gotta go.

Random Person: Go? You go out there you are going to die.

Y/N: I have to find Ruby. If I know anything she finds trouble.

Random Person: If she means that much kid then you should do it. Good luck.

Trying to stand up you almost fall down to the ground but you manage to catch yourself. You look around only to see people terrified. Some cried. Others wonder around saying names of presumably family members. You even saw a few dead on the ground with sheets over their bodies. You ignored, simply slowly walking to the nearest exit while people looked at you as if you were crazy for doing so.

Atlas Soldier: Halt!

You kept on walking despite their orders.

Atlas Soldier: (points his weapon) I said to HALT!

You quickly unholster Red, aiming it as the Atlas Soldier.

Y/N: I'm looking for my girlfriend so unless you're willing to shoot me I suggest getting out of my way.

Atlas Captain: What's happening?

Atlas Soldier: The kid pulled out his pistol on me. Said he wanted to find his girlfriend.

Atlas Captain: Let him go. His funeral.

Y/N: Thanks.

Atlas Captain: I have enough to deal with as is. The last thing I want is a firefight this close to the civilians. Beyond the exit is a war zone.

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