28- blood jade coin

Start from the beginning

Off: Did you see it with your own eyes?

Luke: No...

Off: then I can say you are lying...


Off visibly paled at the question... Tong will never lie... He has never heard or never saw Tong lying... For Tong, lying is the highest sin... He has once lied to the Queen on that fateful day for getting out of the palace and he paid a heavy price by loosing his brother who he holds dear... so now everyone knows that Prince Tong would not Lie...

Kaownah had a hidden smile on his face.. it's enough to trigger Queen Sophie into punishing Gulf... Tong looked at everyone... Before his eyes landed on his friend, who was looking like pleading him... Then he looked at Mew as his lips trembled...

Tong: Yes.....

Mew's eye widened at the Tong's reply...

Tong: I saw the bruises... I looked like someone beat him up...

It was Off's turn to have a wide eye... Tong lied???.... But why?

Luke: don't lie prince Tong...

Tong: I didn't lie.. he had bruises and Wounds... Only Prince Gulf can say whether he was marked or not...

Someone: so the slave has beaten him to death!!

Off: No... He doesn't have a reason to do that... Maybe it was someone else and he just happened to be there...

Luke: don't twist the situation to your liking Off...

Some elder: let's ask the royal Medic about the nature of the prince wounds...

Soon the Royal Medic was called to the throne room... she knelt in front of the king...

Royal Medic: your majesty, it looks like a Mating mark...

Someone: so the prince has mated with the slave..

Royal Medic: I don't know who he mated with...

Another person: obviously it has to be the slave...

There were murmurs around the throne room... This is bad.. now that everyone knows that the prince was mated with slave, it's a humiliation for the whole kingdom of Emeraldah, mainly because the king has promised the Omega prince for the pure blood alpha prince of the Saphirre..

"What if, it was not the case... Afterall the prince is a omega, he cannot fight back even though it's a slave?", It was prince Tong who spoke...

Everyone was shocked... He spoke in a low and calm voice that sent shivers down the alphas in the room..

Off: what are you implying, my prince?

Tong: I said what I said... Isn't it what had happened Mew?

Mew looked up to see everyone staring at him... Off was shaking his head, obviously trying contain the situation from worst possible outcome... Tong was looking sternly at him...

Mew: yes... It's not the prince's fault.. I lost control...

Tong: then you will be punished for that with death itself... The prince will be spared...

The high tone with authority.... No one not even the kings of the five kingdom can speak against the order...

Without looking back Tong walked out of the throne room..

Everyone was shocked.. he didn't give time for anyone to argue back... Queen Sophie and kaownah was also angry at Tong for disrupting the flow and twisting the situation...

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