Chapter 23

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I had a math exam and I hate math so much, you know. I've never enjoyed math. Andrew was doing the exam well. Me? Getting confused about that.

I hated this so much.
People say, math is important for life.
I just don't get it.
I wish I was smart as Andrew.
Maybe she likes smart girls.
But he said he liked me, the fact that I'm such a loser and stupid.

It was on Andrew's birthday,
But I ignored him all day.
I couldn't wish him happy birthday.
But, I want to.

I saw people wished him a happy birthday. I wish I was really open.
He told me that I must be very open.

I told him that I want to be a model.
I should follow my dreams.
Yes, My dad said ' Don't dream big, You will fail someday '.
But, I have to prove it that I could be a model.

After the exam, Andrew taped me.
Take a breath, Jessie. He won't hit you. 3...2...1
So I turned around, he asked me, "Jessica, I want to come to your house. Please?" I rolled my eyes and confused, "Why?"
"Alfie taught me how to take a picture. But, I still suck at taking pictures. Do you have a camera in your house?"

I had a lot of pictures with Thomas on my camera. I won't delete them all. He made memories a lot with me when I was in Oklahoma.

Well, I answered him, "Yes! And Happy Birthday, Andrew!"
He smiled.

After school,
I walked out of my classroom with Andrew.
Gosh, I liked him so much that he was waiting for me.
I was still scared of Molly seeing me with Andrew.
Andrew told me, I don't have to be afraid of her.

He gave me his hand with a smile on his face, "Let's go!" and I let my self to be confident. I smiled at him and he saw me smiling, "Beautiful! You'll always be! Don't ever hide your smile. Because I like yours." I couldn't stop smiling, "Stop smiling, Jessica!" he blushed.
I laughed with a girly voice and he pinched my cheek, "Okay, Stop!" "OUCH!" "SORRY!"

We went to my house by bus.
But, we stopped at McDonald's first.
He bought me an ice cream,
"Do you want to build a snowman?"
He asked, I should make him laugh because I wanted to be very open, "What should I say? Maybe YES."
"GOOD! We will build a snowman, but it's not snowy." He laughed.

We left McDonald's and he held my hand. I asked him, "Why are we still standing here? I want to be home, Andrew!" He ran so fast from me. What? Did he leave me? Okay.

Then, he turned around, "JESSICA. I FOUND OLAF!"
Olaf? No, he was joking.
I ran faster to catch him. Well, he lied because I knew it. So I was confused, why did I become a childish?
"No. There's no Olaf here." I said.

Then, he ran faster again.
I shouted, "ANDREW! STOP!" and he turned around, "WE NEED A BUS! I DON'T WANT TO WALK OR RUN!"
Andrew gave me his hand again and then I ran to him. I got his hand, then he told me, "Tell me if you're tired!" "Okay! You should know that, my house is far." He smiled.

I saw him doing something, he gave me a piggy back ride? What the hell?!?!

"No! That's going to be awkward! People will see us awkwardly!"
I said.

"C'MON! or I'm leaving you?"
Don't be shy, Jessie.


Please, I want to be with him forever. I liked him so much. Should I say that? What if he only liked me as a best friend?

"I... like... uhh... I... like... I like your smell!"
"Yeah. Adidas!" He laughed and he continued,
"But, I like everything about you. Do you think I changed you?"
"I don't know."

I Wish I Was SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now