Chapter 28

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2 weeks later...

Now, I was very happy to be back in Liverpool.

"Jessie! I saw your picture on tumblr and you got more than 200.000 notes!" another british girl at school came closer to me and she showed her phone to my face. I asked, "Seriously?" she rolled her eyes and then most of girls came closer to me, "Jessie.." "Jessie.." "Jessie.." I felt like I was such a famous star in school. I wasn't very famous or popular at school. But, I felt famous on social media.

In chemistry class,
I failed my chemistry exam. I got a 45. I felt embarrassed because of this. But, who cares? I don't care about my grades. I care about my dream because I want to be a model like Cara Delevingne and Kendall Jenner.

"I got a 97!" Andrew said to his friend, Joe. Damn, why did I have a smart boyfriend?. "What the fuck? I got a 58? Fuck this shit!" Molly saw her paper as she gasped.

On a break time,
I wasn't in the classroom alone again but I was around with Andrew with his friends. I was at a canteen school and I didn't talk too much with his friends. Then, Molly walked to our table.
She crossed her arms and her friends walked behind her, "Girls.. Look at that bitch, she is around with the guys." I was standing up and I slapped her, "What did you say?" I asked. "Slap me one more time I will scratch your fucking face!" I nodded and I smiled.

"So, you said she is a bitch? Jessie, you slept with me only right?" Andrew asked and then Molly gasped, "WHAT?" and then she continued, "You-you can't have her! She is... She is just a stupid bitchy girl!" I rolled my eyes and I looked at Andrew, he said, "Who cares? Stupid or not. I fucking don't care! I don't CARE if she is stupid even she is not. She is cool with me! So, go away.." Andrew was trying to shoo her away, "then leave us.." Molly won't leave but I could see her tears, did I hurt her?

Molly left us with her friends.

After school,
Andrew took me to McDonald's and he bought me an ice cream but he didn't buy anything.

"Yeah?" He smiled.
"Check your tumblr. Because they said your post got more than 200.00 notes!"
Then, I sneezed.
"Bless you. Well, It's true. When we were in London, I opened my message on Tumblr and it was a girl."
I was confused and I asked, "who?"
"Wait a minute."
He pulled out of his phone from his pocket and he gave me. Then,I read the message on Tumblr,

"Hello Andrew! I'm Amanda, I like your job. I don't know you and I don't know what your face looks like. But, there is one thing I want to ask you. Is she Jessica Thompson?. Please answer me. I miss her so much. Tell her, I'm depressed because of her. She was popular at our school. What do you think about her? She is hot, right? If you're still young or the same age as her, You must have her and make her happy! I love her so much. Keep her and love her, please? Yes, I'm depressed but I still want to talk to her but how? I have no idea. Maybe she doesn't care about me anymore?"

I read it and I started crying. Andrew didn't tell me about this before Amanda died. Gosh, should I break his heart because of this?

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? WHY YOU JUST TOLD ME?" I stood up from the chair and I screamed and a lot of people saw me.
"Jessie.. sit down, please." He said.
I shook my head and I left my ice cream on his face. I left him, I screamed before I was about to leave him, "YOU USED ME! I FUCKING HATE YOU!".

5 days later...

I was so overthinking and I didn't send messages to Andrew. But, this would be awkward because I sat next to him at school.

But, I got a friend in school. An asian friend. She had no British accent too. She enjoyed going to the library, she is such a nerdy girl.

It kills me inside to see Andrew alone in the library. He walked in without his friends. Well, he is not always going to the library. But, he watched me.

I pretended reading a death by black hole. Oh, please go away.
"Lea, look at this." I said as I covered my face with a book, "Oh, that's fantastic!"

"SSSHH... Shut up! I'm reading!" Andrew whispered.

"Sorry." Lea said.

I waited for my mom to pick me up and I saw Andrew's friend walked to me,
"Why you broke up with him?" he asked. What the hell? Why did he ask me like that? So, I answered him, "I don't know."

Then my mom's car came.
"And I have to go now, bye Stuart!"

When I walked in to my room.
I laid down on my bed to take a rest.

Why he used me for fame?

I hate my life so much.

The next day,
Char sent me a message,
"Let's watch a movie tonight!"
I replied her,
"Sorry, I can't."

Maybe, Char knows if Andrew and I broke up.
I didn't want to hurt Char too because she is the only one best friend of mine in England. I used Lea to be my friend at school because I didn't want to be alone.

I checked out King Bach's account on vine so I could feel comfortable and then I visited Jake Paul's account.
They could make me laugh when I felt alone in a room.

That was so relaxing and comfortable. I love the app called Vine and Youtube so much.

Whenever you get sad, you can go to Vine or Youtube. They will make you happy when you're alone. Youtubers that make me happy are Zoella, Tyler Oakley and Troye Sivan.

What it would be without Youtube and Vine?

I fell asleep after watching some vines.

2 hours later...

I woke up to some messages on my phone. Ruby and Char.

Ruby asked me out to have a dinner with my parents. Char asked me to go to the cinema with Andrew and Thomas. So I chose Ruby.


"What would you like to order?" Ruby said as she flipped the pages.
"I'd like to order Wanton Noodle, please?" I said.
"Okay, I'd like to taste this one..." Ruby saw the page and her husband asked, "What is it?".
"Baozi!" she said and I smiled.

I love everything about Chinese so much. I can't wait to go to Beijing soon. I want to learn everything about Chinese.

Our food just came and we looked happy. I was so happy being around them. I could laugh and smile with them.

"You're going to get graduated, which college do you want to go?" Ruby asked as she poured an orange juice to a glass. I answered her, "Beijing language and culture university!" I smiled.
Then, my dad smiled at me because he seemed proud of me. Ruby asked me again, "Why? I mean why not in Oxford?" I rolled my eyes and I answered her, "Because I want to know a lot of things in Beijing. I guess, I will have more friends there. I love everything about chinese and also the tradition." They looked at me and I smiled.

My mom grabbed my shoulder and she said, "Take a care of yourself in Beijing, sweetheart." I looked at my mom and smiled, "I will!" I nodded.

Ruby's husband stared at me with his beautiful blue eyes, I asked him, "Excuse me? Why are you staring at me?" then he answered me, "You're hot!"
I gasped. But, Ruby pinched her husband's shoulder and he said, "OUCH! I was kidding. But, you're hotter!"
we laughed with a joyful in here.

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