Chapter 29

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I went to the library with Lea again.

Really? Why I became closer with her? I'm not nerd!

I pretended to read a Globalization and Diversity. Now, I feel like a nerdy girl. What the fuck is wrong with me?

But, luckily I didn't see Andrew in the library.

I wonder where Andrew would go after the graduate.

On a break time, I went to a canteen with Lea to have a lunch. I was so awkward to be friends with Lea. What if I would get bullied again? or maybe Lea would get bullied?

Some of Andrew's friends sat on my table and Lea wondered why they were on our table, "What are you guys doing?" but, they ignored her and I said, "She asked, what are you all doing here? Can you leave us? You all are very annoying!"

They ignored me.
But, they started singing.
Joe played his guitar.

Oh, my love..
Can you just go back to my life?
Make me happy as you did..

Oh, my love..
Heartbreak is hurt for me..
I'm sorry about what I did to you..
I know I was such an evil person.
I want you back in to my life
Because you could make me happy,
You're the only one who could make me happy

Oh, my love..
Remember when you put the ice cream on my face..
that was the last time you did the weirdest thing to me..
Now, Now, NOW,

Baby, please come back to me..
I want you..
I still love you..
You're really beautiful and very funny to me...
I promise, yeah,
I will change it to be better than before..
I'm sorry,
That was very wrong.
I'm sorry..
I'm sorry..
I'm sorry..

I just watched them and I know Andrew wrote this song. The other students watched them too and they enjoyed it. I loved it but the lyric was very funny because the last time I put my ice cream on his face.

I asked to one of them, "Who wrote it?" I smiled but I tried to hide my smile and Joe answered me, "Oh, really? We will call the person!" I gasped, "Whatever, because I want to see the person who wrote it!" I lied because I know Andrew wrote it.

"Frank, Go find Andrew!" Joe said to Frank. I rolled my eyes and I said, "Wait.. NO NO NO NO NO! Lea, Let's leave!". We left them and I turned around to see them.

15 days later...

Char phoned me but I didn't answer it.

In the evening,
Ruby came into my house and she was in my bedroom. We sat on my bed. I talked to her about Andrew.

"So, how's the relationship with him?" She asked. I answered her, "I broke up with him and do you have any advice? He still wants me!" I rolled my eyes.
Then, she grabbed my shoulder,
"I'm suck at advice but, do you still have a feeling on him? do you still like him?" I closed my eyes and I answered her, "I don't know... Maybe." Ruby nodded, "Why did you break up?" she asked and I had to answer her, "Because, He posted a picture of me on Tumblr. He got more than 200.000 notes and I don't know now. He got a message on Tumblr and it was from my best friend in Oklahoma. He didn't tell me. When I visited to Oklahoma with Andrew, I just found out that my best friend is dead because he didn't tell me from who the message was." I started crying.

Then, she embraced me and she said, "Jessie, I'm sorry about your best friend. She is watching you now. She is proud of you because you go to school in Liverpool!" she smiled.
"I actually hurt my best friend before I left Oklahoma. She cried."

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