Chapter 8

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I would like to kill myself, I hate getting lied by anyone. It hurts me, you know.

Ruby turned on the radio and the song just played, "What song is it?" I asked while she was driving, "How Deep Is Your Love by Bee Gees, you know them?" she looked at me and I said, "I've heard the names but never heard the songs. I think this one is good, old song right?" I smiled at her then she said, "Yes... this is my husband's favourite song because he says my love is so deep for him" "How old is your husband?" I asked, "He is 38, and I got pregnant when I was 18. Then my daughter is 14 now but she is in London with my husband's parents. You should know this, I was a bad girl when I was in high school until they kicked me out of school. My math teacher caught me smoking and drinking with my friends on the street. I was a bully too. You saw me calling the service at the restaurant a 'Psycho'. I know that was rude. I'm sorry about that, Jessie. Guess, how old I am?" she asked, "You're 34? My mom said that." I answered her, then she suddenly said "Oh... That's right! Well, Jessie... Does it happen in America too? Like, having sex at 17 and drinking at 17?" I started drinking a beer when I was in America but I couldn't tell her about that because it was my first time, luckily I wasn't drunk on that time, "Yes... It happens in America too. Last time, I went to a party at my friend's house and then I saw a girl who started drinking a beer. I asked her age, she said she is 16. What do you think about that girl?" I asked because I talked about myself who drank a beer, "Uhm... I started drinking when I was 15, Jessie. I think it's okay to have some fun with friends, you know. When I was 15, I started being a bad girl, because I hated school so much. I wanted to get kicked out of school but it didn't happen. I got kicked out of school when I was 17. That was really ridiculous to me. Good girls gone Bad, the next time Bad girls gone good, just like me. I know I'm rich, I'm a kind hearted and very close to people."

Ruby was a bad girl? Damn. She had a kind hearted too my family and everyone.

I liked her a lot, "then did you go to a college?" I asked, "No... well, I've never been so close to my parents or my big family. No one of them wanted me to pay for college because they saw me pregnant. So I left them. After I left them, I became a homeless and..." I cut her off, "I'm sorry where did you come from?" then she answered me, "I actually came from Brighton and I left Brighton to Liverpool by the train. Then I became a homeless who had no house, I was pregnant but I had no husband on that time. I had no money and I couldn't help the baby inside of my stomach. I ate the rest food from the trash."

Now, we were in a traffic jam and Ruby looked sad when she talked about her, "Oh my god, you should meet your parents in Brighton." I said, "I don't want to meet them. I hate them so much... I have one sister and two brothers. I'm the second daughter, and the old one is my brother named Lewis, the third is my another brother named Liam and the last one is my sister named Nicole. I've never been so close with my siblings and big family. Because all I did in Brighton was party, drinking and smoking." I asked her again, "I want to be honest with you but can you keep this secret for me?" "Sure" "So, I started drinking when I was 16. I was talking about myself, please don't tell this to my parents, Ruby." I said, "I won't. I don't want you to get kicked out of house, Jessie. If your parents know about this, they would do that like my parents did. When I became a homeless, after a week, there was someone who found me sleeping on the street. He was the best guy, he helped me then he asked me if I was pregnant. I asked his age that he was 22 and he was a college student." Wow, she reminded me of Alfie and me. Alfie's age was 24 and I was 17, but I couldn't get married at my age.

Ruby was so young to have a baby. I wouldn't have sex and drink in England, but the Halloween party tomorrow at Alfie's house.

Then she changed the song to be "Night fever" by Bee Gees. Ruby still looked sad, "When I moved to Liverpool, I opened my eyes. Everything I did in Brighton was bad, I had to stop being a bad girl. Since, I got married with Brandon, my husband, He found a job as a businessman in Manchester. I'm proud to be his wife. This is why I become rich because of him. A month later, the baby came out and we named her Hailey Avery Evans." Such an unique name anyway, "Your daughter's name is so unique!" I complimented her daughter's name, "I know, I can't wait to see her in December. You and your mom are going to London too with me." London? That would be great. I wanted to visit London for Christmas holidays.

Then, I realized that tomorrow was the Halloween party at Alfie's house but no one wanted me to get me there.

I hoped Ruby would take me there, "Ruby, so I have the Halloween party tomorrow at 7 at my friend's house but can you take me there?" she looked at me and said, "Sure, just give me the address, Okay?" "Yeah, Okay! The address is at my house" I said.

She stopped at my house and she dropped me off. She was such a best friend to me, then there was my mom sitting in the living room while reading a bible
"I'm home, mom" I walked towards her.
"You didn't knock the door, I thought you were a thief!" she said.
"I'm sorry, mom. I'm sorry!" I laughed.

I felt bad that I left my mom alone every time.

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