A/N: Momentary Venting & Disclaimer

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Let's start with that before I start venting. I should let you know that the next two chapters are done, but I'm having a hard time publishing it BECAUSE THEY FEEL INCOMPLETE! 

There is a ton of things happening in the story now, and because of the content, I have to switch up the "mature content" disclaimer too! (Young babies, please beware, as  I'd like to do a strong a protecccc to y'all!)

Also, I cannot stress about how they are VERY important chapters as would practically shape up the rest of the story. Hence, I'm literally editing them at least thrice a day to make sure they're consistent with the chapters coming after that. 

Please bear with me for yet another day, and I promise they will be a treat! It's probably the first time, I feel very VERY happy about a chapter I'm about to post!

Please indulge me as you have all this while! :'3


Now. I'm here to vent about the latest episode. Season 4, Cour 2, Episode 1 (or just Episode 14). 

Please find below an image of Atsumu from the manga, that established his dominance over the court. THE PERFECT STEP, as acknowledged by the likes of Akaashi Keiji and THE GENIUS SETTER KAGEYAMA TOBIO. 

This illustration was everything and more! I truly, fell in love with this scene when I first read this chapter sometime around July last year

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This illustration was everything and more! I truly, fell in love with this scene when I first read this chapter sometime around July last year. The fact that in-between a match, he had the most solid and perfect foundation for his setup, is very vital to show what an incredibly powerful and a strong opponent he is, someone who Kageyama is very wary of, apart from Oikawa. And this sketch from the manga is just *chef's kiss.* His calm and analytical gaze that accompany strong legs that have been well trained for playing the game, is just *chef's kiss.*

Now, remember how I mentioned in my first author's note before I started writing, about how I loved CEREBRAL characters and loved taking deep dives into their personalities and moods and skillsets, which is how this Fanfiction was born? 

Yes, the fact that Atsumu Miya, at this point in manga, is the absolute best setter in ALL OF FREAKING JAPAN, a talented 16 year old boy being the BEST IN ALL OF JAPAN, is so, so crucial to the story. I've played nationals, and I'm telling you it's NERVE-WRECKING! It's not an easy thing for a 16 year old to pull off!

Yet, the anime went and spoiled this moment WITH THIS CRAPPY, UNNECESSARY FAN SERVICE. They could have chosen any other moment, other than this. 


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But he's still a minor (in many developed and developing nations, not including Japan), and showing off his (incredibly well-built) ass is not the POINT. The POINT, was to show his DOMINANCE OVER THE COURT!

Ugh. :'((((((((((

Okay, I think I may simmer over this for a few more days, but discussions to this point are welcome... As are calming messages. :'((((((((((

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