25 | Carpet Of Roses

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The smell of sizzling meat on the barbecue grill wafted through the relatively quiet and empty restaurant, and the delicious smells permeated through his very senses, making his mouth water. There was a wonderful spread of raw meat on the table, and judging by the look on Ren-chan's face, she could barely wait till she could have the first bite herself.

*flashback to last night while texting*

Ren-chan. You free tomorrow?

Yea, why?

Meet me at 12:00?


Any particular reason?

You'll see... :)))

Are you going to be lurking

near my gate again?

Maybe... :P

Yea, something came up.

I'm not free tomorrow.

Sorry! I swear, this is serious.

I'm not fooling around.

12pm tomorrow?

Pleeaaasseeee? :D

Fine. 12 tomorrow. See ya.

Yaaaaaaay! :D

Good night Ren-chan! :3


*flashback ends*

"Atsumu," her voice breaking his trail of thoughts.


"So, when did you... I mean... how did you... you know?" she said, as she wrung her hands nervously, even avoided staring at him for too long.

Heh.. cute...

"Obviously, it was not something that I did on a whim, if that's what you're wondering. It took time," he said, curious to know more about her line of conversation.

"I see," she said, seeming to be visibly relieved.

"What. You really thought I wasn't serious?"

"Well... You are, YOU... and I am... well, I am ME," she said, as if pointing out something very obvious, but he failed to see it.

He then replayed the scene from earlier day in his mind, looking for a hint.

*flashback to this morning*

Stay Clever, Little Fox (The Clever Series #1) || Miya Atsumu x OCWhere stories live. Discover now