21 | Mind Over Matter

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Chips. Check.

Vitamin water. Check.

Mixed roasted nuts. Check.

Avocados. Check.

Dried berries. Check.

Bananas. Check.

All-natural ice cream. Check.

Flavoured yogurt. Check.

Chicken jerky. Check.

Spicy beef jerky. Check.

Spicy seaweed. Check.

Various rice crackers. Check.

"4,563 Yen."

That was a lot of food, but it was the necessary amount of snacks to last throughout the exams for Ren, especially knowing that she would be having study sessions with the Miya twins and Rin (Suna and her were now on nickname basis) at her place through out the week.

The club activities were on halt, and most clubs had prepared well enough to be ready for the stream of activities that would follow after the final exams. The volleyball team for boys, for example, did really well and their games with other schools generated a good amount of money.

The twins really were something else, and it was mostly their fangirls that attended the games. After the exams, Ren would speak to Ki-chan about having more promotional games for them, where they would sell Inarizaki Volleyball Boys Team merchandise signed by the regulars.

The fangirls would empty their bank accounts for them Miya Twins goodies.

Ren smiled evilly to herself, and thought about ways in which the Student Council could also make some profit.

Of course we would take a cut from the profits. After all, Hina-chan would be our main designer!

She grabbed the bags full of snacks, and made her way home.

3:30 pm.

The twins and Rin would arrive in half an hour for their study session. They would be studying physics today, and Ren had to especially brace herself for the onslaught of the stupid questions that Atsumu would ask everyone.

How he is the brother of the smart as a whip Miya Osamu, she would never know.

He really was the better twin.

But he didn't make her heart go doki-doki...

She walked out of the convenience store, sighing at the betrayal of her heart.


"Fold it in threes, damn it. Three!"

Shouted Ren for the umpteenth time as Atsumu failed to divide his page into appropriate sections.

"1st and 3rd are smaller compared to the one in the middle. The 1st column is for concepts, and the 3rd one is for keywords, and other points you need to understand. The middle one will have all your major essential points that you need to know about the concept, which is why it has to be bigger than the other two!"

It looked she was reaching the end of her patience, but this Origami note-taking method was very hard to remember for Atsumu.

"Dude. It's just folding paper. Why are you so dumb," said Suna, sucking on a lollipop, which never seemed to get smaller. " 'Samu, how does it feel sharing genes with this orang-utan?"

"I'm gonna proposition my mother to give him up for adoption. He's too useless to be a part of our family anyway."

"Yea, you should. Try the dog shelter."

"I will, after the exams."

"I swear to God, if you don't get this system, I'm throwing you out of my house, and you'll study by yourself. You remember key information about the other volleyball teams around the country well enough, so I know when you're trying to screw with me. Now. DO. IT. OR. DIE," said Ren as she gritted her teeth. "Like seriously, why couldn't you be more like your brother? In every. Freaking. Way. He is clearly the better Miya," she bit out, as Osamu patted her head out of pity.

Atsumu's jaw dropped as he couldn't believe what Ren just said.

'Samu?! The BETTER Miya?!

"Ren, let him try to grasp the concept, why don't I take you out for some ice-cream? The veins on your forehead could use a massage and some ice-cream therapy for sure," said Osamu, further fanning the flames of jealousy in his heart.

Damn you, bastard 'Samu. I'll get back at you for this!

He scowled back at the folded pages of his notes, and focused all of his energies into writing out the last chapter of the Physics textbook.

I. Will. Score. Better. Than. 'Samu.


Atsumu was solemn throughout the week of exams.

His friends were concerned, especially Ren. She had never seen him look so serious. She saw a whole new level of focus in him, and that was wen she realised that she had only scratched the surface of the person that was the famed best setter of his age.

So Osamu is the one that pushes him to go forward? Interesting.

It was the last of their written exams, and on that day Atsumu sat in front her, gazing too seriously at her.






"What is it Atsumu? Can I help you with something?"

"I'll make you admit."

"Admit what?"

"That I'm better than 'Samu."


"You're still stuck on that huh?"

"Well. You weren't wrong. But you won't be right for too long either. So thank you for reminding me, what I'm supposed to do."

"To be better than your brother?"

"No. To be the best."

"Were you always threatened by your brother?"

"I'm not threatened by him Ren. I'm in awe of his natural talent. He is a daily reminder of how much better I can be. Because we're twins, I'm not going to be left behind. And because we're twins, I'll not be too far behind."

She felt goosebumps on her arms. That confidence, that swagger and that focus in his gaze, everything about him was so attractive, she couldn't take her eyes off of him.

Although their last exam was English which had a very  unconventional examination pattern, it were his words and that tone that were more unconventional to Ren. She looked forward to unfurling of the great mind belonging to one Miya Atsumu.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A/N: This is a special update for @anii_xo. Don't worry, I won't have any angst in this FF, but it will have a lot of chaos! :D Keep 'em motivating comments floating in, and I'll rapidly churn out new chapters. <3

Stay Clever, Little Fox (The Clever Series #1) || Miya Atsumu x OCWhere stories live. Discover now