32 | Heatstroke

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Though, it had already been a couple of weeks since THAT event, he was still reeling from the shock from the fan-day event where he thoroughly embarrassed himself in front of a crowd. A crowd made up of HIS FANS!

Here he was, the most graceful, agile and powerful setter in all of Japan (he tried not think of a raven-haired dork who kept upping him in the ranks) with the best footwork ever, yet he slipped. SLIPPED!

Miya Atsumu had always been a confident brat, but now a days, even his mother was proud of his accomplishments. So to think that he SLIPPED, it would be like saying he forgot to wear his legs that morning. To top it all off, people LAUGHED.

His fans!


People were supposed to be in awe of him when they were in his presence, or be afraid of him. Yet, they LAUGHED!

To say the least, Miya Atsumu had been mortified ever since, and for the longest time his soul had left his mortal (but to-die-for) carcass. To make matters worse and put him in existential crisis every now and then, that moment kept coming back to haunt him periodically, etching itself into his soul deeper than ever before.

But the moment the carrot-top beast he hadn't seen in years, entered the practice courts this morning, it was as if Christmas, New Years Eve and a girlfriend that would last longer than a week, had finally arrived for Atsumu!

Hinata Shouyo seemed slightly taller, muscular and even more confident than he remembered from his final year in Inarizaki. His overall mannerisms were still as light-hearted and easy going as back then, but Atsumu knew monstrous power when he saw it.

Felt it!

His eyes sparkled with joy when he greeted their trainer, but the sharpness and the rapidity of his gaze scanning their trainer, left Atsumu slightly breathless. His smiles were still as bright, but they now shone with a new-found tranquility, that could only come with the insatiable thirst along with assuredness for imminent victories.

"Meet Hinata Shouyo, our newest member with very... uhm... interesting skill sets," said the trainer. "Meet the rest of the team. Let's start with our setter -."

"Miya-san! Long time no see! I was hoping to bump into you," said Hinata, as he happily bounded over to him, with stars in his eyes, as if he had met his idol, finally!

Oh, how long has it been since I felt this overwhelming surge of happiness that comes with admiration from others?! Shouyo-kun, you're getting treated to a lovely dinner today...

"Shouyo-kun! Long time indeed," he said, grabbing him in a friendly hug, which the little beast warmly returned.


"Bokuto-sannnn! Long time no see!" he responded enthusiastically and he bowed a full 90 degree towards him.

Disciple? Looks like a story I wanna hear about later from Bok-kun...

Stay Clever, Little Fox (The Clever Series #1) || Miya Atsumu x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن