Hey! :D

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Word can't possibly explain how terrified, excited, nervous and happy I feel at this very moment as I lay bare my very first fanfic here on Wattpad along with my very personal feelings and views about some of the characters of Haikyuu. I would eventually love to explore a few of these characters who have deeply enraptured me with their dynamic personalities or quirks, but let's start with this one first.

Miya Atsumu.

A complicated, beautiful, intelligent yet flawed character that I've come to deeply admire.

This story will have friendship, romance, family, angst but most importantly, slice of life.

I want this story to feel real to you. Every character that walks through these pages, I would like them to leave a footprint (sometimes even a stomp!) in your heart, as they have in mine.

Furudate Sensei, is a genius, needless to say. I've never come across a mangaka before in my life who could weave his narrative so seamlessly into my life, in every way possible. I hope that my work is an ode to his work, and does his (and our) beloved characters justice. I hope that if ever you are in need of happiness in life, this could be one of the stories that you would come back to. Because every happy story will have its own combination of sweet, salt, spice and tart!


x Chrysalis_Girl x

PS: A big thanks to my Wattpad "companions and colleagues" psycho_snowflake,  and SmruShima  for helping with the editing and fanfic cover. You guys, I love you all the way up the famous Karasuno Heart Break Hill and back (x100)! <3

PPS: All images used do not belong to me. Some may have been creatively edited for the purpose of the story. If owners of the artwork would like me to remove or give credits, please message and let me know!

PPPS: Every chapter has a theme song. I happen to listen to a lot of music while writing, and some of them inspired chapter content. Hope you'll enjoy them too!

Stay Clever, Little Fox (The Clever Series #1) || Miya Atsumu x OCWhere stories live. Discover now