18 | Today Is A Present

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A/N: To everyone who's having a bad time during this quarantine, this chapter is dedicated to you all

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A/N: To everyone who's having a bad time during this quarantine, this chapter is dedicated to you all. Read Atsumu's long monologue to Ren, and assume that it's him talking to you. <3 Stay safe and take care of yourself, especially your mental health. <3


She felt the grip on her hand tighten slightly, as his eye bore into hers, making sure she had her full attention on him.

"Ren, you're going to be amazing, I know that. Whatever this Plan A is, I don't have to think about what it is, and if it's the best way to go about it in life. Mostly because it's your life, and you have every right to make that call for yourself, but also because I know you. I know it's been only slightly over a month, but trust me when I say I feel like I've always known you.

"You're honest, charming, and straight-forward. You seem to always know what's the right thing to do regardless of how new or inconvenient the situation maybe. You're always level-headed, and that's something I really admire about you, because I sorely lack that. But more importantly, you're brave Ren-chan.

"I'm not the first person you'd go to, seeking validation, but that's who I am. I only approve of the best. The absolute, very best. And that's why, whether you need it or not, you have me standing behind you, fully back you up. I'm so proud to have known you. I really am.

"You will hit many walls in this life. I know you will, in future too. Sometimes they may even come in rapid succession. One after the other, like heavy blows they will try to pummel you to the very rock bottom. But you have to understand that you're not being shoved to the rock bottom because you deserve it; definitely not because you're weak, but because you're strong! Life will never present problems to you that you cannot overcome. They will be the problems that you can conquer. Always. And every time you think, that's it, this is too much, I have to give in, don't. That just might be the last blow you have to triumph over, and have success within your arms reach. Know that, and remember that.

"Despite knowing that overcoming your fears are not going to be one of the hardest thing you'll have to do in your life, you have to know that you're not alone. You've never been alone to begin with. You have your family that knows your best potential. You have your friends who know how hard-working you are. You have your mentors to guide you through life. And you have other people who look up to you, because of everything that I just mentioned, because they notice it too. And if they haven't already, it's not long before they would as well.

"So look up, stand tall. You will own this. I know you will own this, and in no time. I can't wait to see how you will keep flourishing after this. Because if I already like you the way you are, I can't wait to see how you'd be tomorrow, and the day after that, and days following that. To quote your own words, I can't wait to see your 'new avatar' that has levelled up."


What he had planned to reveal was only a part of his admiration for her. But that little opening in his heart had been pulled apart further, and amidst his tirade he didn't realise his little slip up.

But the others did, including Ren.

Which is why he couldn't understand why she was looking at him with her jaws periodically going slack, like a fish, and shock written all over her face.

"Wh - what did you just say?" she stuttered.

"What did I say?" he enquired back, feeling quite confused.

"You... yo-," she started saying, but stopped as her facial expressions warped to show disbelief.

"You said you liked her," said his brother, almost enunciating each word.

I said. What.

"No I didn't!" he scoffed, but his body language betraying his own words as he felt a blush creep up his neck.

He was flushing at the thought that he accidentally spilled something even HE wasn't so sure about.

"I mean, I do like her, but not LIKE HER, like her! Just, LIKE HER! Like y'all do!" he added hastily, trying to cover up what was already bare. Suna sniggered at his outburst, and he wanted nothing more than to throw that bendy pole out of the window like a javelin.

Gin probably took pity on him, because he interrupted he asked, "Ren-chan. Are you able to walk around? Maybe we could chill at a cafe around the corner. I'm sure a serving of cold coffee would cheer you up."

Ren smiled and nodded excitedly, probably salivating at the thought of a nice tall glass of cold coffee.

"You guys should join us too, Akira and Hina," she spoke as she turned to them.

"Nah, you guys go. I'm going to wait for my mother to come pick me up. I'd like to go home and rest it," said Hina.

"Sorry Ren, but I sort of plans with my girlfriend later on," added Akira, smiling sheepishly.

"Aw man! That means, there will be less of us to drown out the noises that this attention-seeking Spongebob would make," said Ren, smirking at him.

The exclamations of his protest at the sudden onslaught of bullying were drowned out by the laughter of his classmates, but deep inside he felt happy.

Keep smiling, Ren-chan. Always.


Being with Atsumu and the others for the rest of the hour was like a balm to her soul. Atsumu especially knew  how to brighten up her mood, in joking around with the boys.

On their way back home, Atsumu quietly held her hand while she chatted away with Osamu and Suna, describing her Middle School life. It felt nice to open up to them after all this time.

"So you were already a high achiever before coming here," teased Suna.

"It's not that. It's just that, I have always loved to do my best," she argued back.

"So basically you need to win all the time," teased back Atsumu.

"It's not that y'all! I really want to do well, I want to feel secure in my life. But just you wait, Miya Atsumu. Shimizu Ren will blow your mind to smithereens with the kind of levelling up she will do in this life!" she said, punching his arm lightly.

He smiled serenely at her, and whispered so softly that she almost missed it, "I look forward to it, Ren-chan. I really do."


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Stay Clever, Little Fox (The Clever Series #1) || Miya Atsumu x OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt