26 | Path Of Thorns

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"You know, I'm always surprised by how clean your room is," Ren said, as she walked into Atsumu's room, right after their 'date' which Ren refused to accept.

I'll make it up to her soon next week, before I leave for All-Japan Youth Training Camp.

"You've met my mom right? She runs a tight ship in the house. Even dad's scared of her," he sniggered, thinking about how a 140 something centimetre sized little nugget could make the three relatively colossal 180 cm plus, muscled giants, kowtow to her.

"If I didn't know her, I would never believe you. She's super sweet to me all the time though, and just a total cutie pie," she said as she plopped on his bean bag chair.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she secretly wanted another child and a daughter at that. If I were her, I'd definitely think there's one too many men in the house. That's probably why she turns mushy when she sees you, and switches on her soft side. I'm sure she'd be rushing upstairs now with some plates of mochi and a jar of lemonade."

Promptly within seconds of his declaration Mamma Miya did walk into the room with a large tray of mochi, followed by Osamu who was carrying a jar of drink, which they knew was filled with lemonade.

"Renny! You should come over more often. It's always nice to see you! Although Suna-kun is a sweet boy, its different story when a girl comes over," she gushed.

"Thank you Riko-chan. I'll try to come over more often, especially now that my exams are over," she said, smiling at her.

"Yes, of course! In fact, that reminds me, there is a new book store that has opened in the mall. You were looking for some books weren't you? How about we go together this week after Atsumu has left for his training camp? I remember, 'Samu wanted to buy some manga, didn't you dear?"

"Yes, Ma," said 'Samu.

"I'd love that! Thank you Riko-chan," said Ren.

"Of course, anytime! Now, I'll leave you kids to hang out, while I'll go and get some work done," she said as she left them to their devices.

"I'm off too, my game's paused and I'm currently winning against Suna," said 'Samu as he trailed after his mom, but not before shooting a sly smile at him.

They'll be waiting to hear about today then...

He cleared his throat and said, "So... The thing I had to show you. Wait a second, it's somewhere here." He rummaged through his bookshelf, before grabbing a thin notebook, flipping open to the first page and handing it to her.

"Read," he said and sat in his bed, palms intertwined and elbows resting on his knees, as he leaned towards her, his gaze settling on her, ready to soak in any flicker of emotion that would cross her face.

Stay Clever, Little Fox (The Clever Series #1) || Miya Atsumu x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin