9 | Too Cheesy

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I had completely forgotten that Sunday was the day when the last chapter of Haikyuu manga would be published. I'm been down in the dumps for the past 2 days now, and as grateful and thankful I am to Furudate Sensei for such a wonderful story, my heart feels so heavy. I don't know what to do in life anymore. :'(  How are you guys holding up?

Argh, I just hope my sadness doesn't seep into these chapters. It's only Chapter 9, and we have 42 more to go. Wish me luck! :'(

Tons of love and credits to AnmolSarita for giving life to this chapter! <3

PS: I might go into deep editing mode soon. I haven't properly edited them, and feel like doing a deep cleanse on them. Will let you know when I do. :)


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Atsumu was currently fuming. 

He was blaming himself and along with the concept of "Butterfly Effect" for everything that had happened till now. If only he hadn't opened his mouth, he would be doing what that long-ass bean pole was currently doing with Ren-chan.

Her peals of giggles and Hachi's joyous barks were encouraging that bastard Suna even more (as if he needed any more of that) and regaled them with stories from their club activities.

Not only had they finished picking the strawberries in their section, but now they had moved on to play 'Catch 'em Berries With Your Mouth.' Atsumu picked more strawberries, secretly itching to pour some dirt inside that stupid contortionist's mouth, so he'd stop hogging all of her attention.

He'd much rather play 'Catch 'em Berries With Your Mouth' with Ren (even though he would propose a different format for the game), especially after the scintillating view of her lips.

While Atsumu would continued to fume silently over his missed opportunities in this story, Author-Chan would like to remind you that Ren, by no means, is a seductress that Atsumu would like you to believe. What actually happened was as such:

Dear Ren-chan was eating the said fruit like anyone would, and the occasional juicy ones were rather hard to eat without getting dripped on. She did feel bad about ruining her pretty red top, but the fresh pickings were totally worth an extra couple of pieces in her laundry. Author-chan also guarantee that Atsumu definitely imagined half the stuff. His raging teenage hormones were to be blamed for that.

Coming back to the scene where we left off, Osamu was currently whacking Atsumu's hand for trying to pick the unripe ones, while Ginjima sent an occasional taunt about how his hair dye probably seeped into his grey matter.

Jeez. Why wasn't he playing that delicious game instead of being stuck with morons who didn't know how to have fun?

She looked far too comfortable with Suna. Occasionally leaning on him, resting her hand on his brown leather jacket covered arm as she laughed out loud at his retarded sentence formations he called "J O K E S," she was even brushing his hair away when they fell over his eyes!

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