1 (Hotel)

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   We went to the room that Faith gave us. It's not that small actually, it's big for us. There's a small kitchen, bathroom and mini living room. I put my things inside the cabinet.

"Casey, stop tying m--" Casey covered Jaden's mouth. Ahh, about that, Jaden wants to pinch the kid named Sam badly so, they tied her." I'll not do that. Promise, "

  Casey removed the rope on her feet and hands and put her hands on her waist, arched her eyebrows.

"Let's go downstairs, I'll help Faith to cook, "Jaden said. I looked at her. It's a miracle that she'll help someone, especially when it comes to cooking.

"Are you kidding? You don't know how to cook, right? "I teased her. She looked at me, very serious. Jaden don't know how to cook and it's true.

"Rej, let's go downstairs and talk to Sam," Casey said, pulling my hands. Jaden looked at us and I stood up. She stood up too.

"I prefer calling her Sakura, it sounds cool right? "Jaden asked as I nod. We went downstairs and looked for Sam. Luckily, she's sitting with Jophnel, laughing. We went to them and sit.

"Hi Sam! "Casey greeted her. Sam smiled at her and waved her hand. She's so cute, I want to pinch her cheeks too!

"Hi Sakura! "Jaden said. I looked at Sam, her eyes turned red and went to brown again. What the?! Is this just an imagination, or real?

"You're cute, may I pinch your cheeks? "Jaden asked while extending her arms but I put it down.

"No! "I said. She looked at me, giving me a what the heck are you doing look "Go, "I said. Sam went to Jaden and let Jaden to pinch her cheeks.

"Where's your parents?" Casey ask but Jaden lift Sam and hugged her, not letting her to talk with Sam. "Hey Jaden! You're too selfish! Let me talk to her!"

"You're so light, why? Do you eat? Do you want to eat? I'll feed you. Are you tired? Do you want to change your clothes? I don't have a spare one--" Sam covered Jaden's mouth.

"Stop! I'm fine, thank you for caring,"Sam said as Jaden pokes her dimples like a stupid kid that is first time to see a balloon.

"Nice, you have dimples, you're cute, "Jaden said. She lift her and let her sit beside Casey.

"Where's your parents? "Casey asked. Sam bowed, play with the end of her hair and cried. I pulled my handkerchief out of my pocket and wipe her tears.

"My mom has a big hole on his chest and a color red on her head and clothes, "she cried as I tried to comfort her.

"Oh, your mom's a great artist.... ouch! "Jaden said. I slapped her. Can't she see? The kid's crying.

"Really? How come? "Sam asked with hands on her chin. She's very adorable, even if her eyes turns to red.

"Because, she painted Red on her face and clothes. She's very thrifty. She didn't even used a poster-board for painting," Casey said. We laughed.

"Guys, hello? I'm still here. I said, the lunch is ready, "Jophnel said. We chuckled as we went to the dining area.

"Wow, is this a feast? There's a lot of food, "Sam said, looking at the food on the table. We all sat down, Sam sat between me and Jaden.

"Hey Sakura, eat, "Sam's eyes turned to red and went back to normal again. Am I the only one who can see this?

"Open your mouth, close, chew, swallow, "Jaden said, instructing Sam what to do. Our classmates laughed at her.

"Jaden, I'm not a paralyzed person. I know how to eat, mom taught me how to,"Sam said. We all laughed. After we laughed, I remembered, we didn't tell her what our name is.

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