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      Charisma's mother is dead. We kill her. We all kill her, *Evil Laugh* Aish, it's ugly, right? You're always ugly a little voice on my mind said. I hate you I replied.

    We're on a vacant room, guarding Charisma because, she's a zombie, awoo! Joke! Awoo is for ghosts only, right? I'm a Crazy Cute Girl, and it's a Joke. And speaking of Joke, I'm not Cute. I'm Pretty.

"Jophnel, are you listening?" Jasper pokes my arms.

"Yes. Continue." I said. Is he saying something?

"So? What's the answer? "He ask.

"On? "I ask.

"On my question. "He said. I look on the ceiling and started to think.

"Okay. Please repeat the question. "I gulped.

"See? You're not listening. I didn't ask you a question. "He chuckle. Aish!

    I sit on the couch and stare on Charisma. She slowly opened her eyes as I went to the bed and sit on the chair.

"Are you hungry? You want to drink? You want to change your clothes? Did you take your lunc--"

"Jophnel, I'm fine. "She said.

"Hi Charisma! Faith said that, we have to interview you. "Jasper said as she nod.

"What's Your Name? "I ask.

"Tss, it's the most stupid question." Jasper said,"Charisma, what's your Gender? "

"And that's the mostest stupid question. "I chuckle.

"Ahaha! Mostest is not a word. Ahaha! "Jasper laughed as I put a rice on his mouth.

"So, are you going to continue this?" Charisma ask as I fix myself.

"Okay. Charisma, why did you follow your mother? "I ask.

"Because, she'll kill me." Charisma smiled.

"A mother will kill her own child? "I ask.

"Because, she's hungry. "She said.

"Why is she hungry? "I ask.

"Because, a normal person's food can't full her stomach. "She said.

"Why?"I ask while putting my hands on my chin.

"Because, she's not a normal person. "She said.

"How? "I ask.

"Because she's a zombie. "She said.

"Why?---" Jasper covered my mouth.

"Stop asking stupid questions. The answers are obvious. "Jasper said.

"Okay, let me ask you Charisma. Why did you let us kill the zombies? "Jasper ask.

"Because, it's the part of the plan. "She said.

*Knock Knock*

"Who's there? "I ask.


    I went to the door and saw Kyra.

"Oh, Hi Faith. "I said.

"Aish. Faith is inviting you to attend our dinner on the park." Kyra said.

    Did I heard it right? Dinner? What time is it? I turn around to check the time and it is 5 in the afternoon.

"It's only five in the afternoon. "Jasper said.

"Duh, later, we'll sleep. "Kyra said.

     We went to the Park with Charisma and saw our classmates, playing. And Faith? She's trying to reach the plate on Jezelle's hand. Good Luck.

     I'm Alive!!!! Oh Geez, what's happening to me? Am I crazy? Yes, Yes you are. A little voice on my mind said. What's with the little voices?!! We're on the Park, playing. And my classmates? *Cough Cough* Anika is on the ground, putting ants around the tree with Nicole, Jaica, Jeremy, Rej and Casey. Jaden, is sleeping on the tree. Tch Tch.

"Hey Guys, what are you doing? "I ask while swaying my hands.

"Uhm, we're playing Hide and Seek. Duh, Sharyl, We're putting ants around the tree. "Anika said.

"Are you sure about that plan? "I ask.

"Aha. "Jaica said.

     I heard Jaden chuckling while scratching her arms, Face, hands, feet. Great idea!

"Aish. Stop tickling me." Jaden murmurs.

"Okay, One, Two, Three, Go! "They all get the frying pans and throw it on the floor. I'm stuck on my position. I saw Jaden, moving so, they all get the pans and put it around me.

"Sharyl?!! I'm sleeping, right?!! Aishh!!! Run for your life!!!"Jaden shout as she jumped down and chased me.

     We're on the rollercoaster, looking for the password that charisma told us. I'm sitting on the cart and they're looking for the password.

"Hey Princess. Stop sitting on your rusty throne and help us." Gideon said.

"So? Princesses doesn't work. "I said.

"What?! You're a gay?!" Matthew ask.

"No. "I said.

"Hey Guys! I found the password. "Gospel said as we went on his position. We saw a scrambled letters written by a knife.

"Je suis en vie?" I said while reading the password.

"What the heck was that?!" Gideon ask. I can feel it too!

"No. What is the meaning of Je Suis En Vie? "Gospel said.

"I am Alive. "A girl's voice said. We turn around and saw.....Her....oh no. This is just a dream, right? Tell me that this is just a dream! Tell me!!!!

"I am Alive, how are you? It's been an hour since I saw your faces. "She laughed as we get our pistols.

"No. You can't use that. If you use that, Bea will die. "She grinned.

"Look at the screen. She's waiting for all of you. We'll have a show too. "She laughed as we went to the screen placed on the gate.


      Hi! Je Suis En Vie. It means, I am Alive if you read it right. I saw it on the book  "Special Section" And TheLovelyLadyReader! It's not a double update. I don't want to update :) I'll read the book, School 26 University. Bye bye! Take Care! And, I'm starting to write another story and 7-Darwin is in there. It is a Mystery/Thriller Story and Sharyl, You're the killer, Joke!

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