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Shaun hurriedly left the place and leave Melvin alone.




        I'm with my friends and playing with the cats and suddenly, someone bumped on my back.

''I'm sorry! ''

''Hey what's your problem? Watch your steps!''I yelled and look on the face of the guy and it's Melvin.

''I'm sorry!''Melvin yelled.

''Do you have a problem on me? !''I asked angrily.

''Hey Jasper!''Jophnel yelled.

''Yeah why? ''I asked.

''What's your problem? Melvin already say sorry to you so, forgive him. ''John David said.

''I will not argue with you this time because I'll kill this zombie first. ''Melvin said.

       Melvin hurriedly left the place and kill the zombie with his Molotov.He went back and talk to Me.

''Now that I'm done, I want to ask something! ''Melvin said.

''What? !''I angrily asked him.

''Do you have a problem on me? ''He asked.

''Yeah! Why? ''I replied.

''Jasper! ''Karizza yelled.

''What?! I'm just being honest. ''I replied.

''Now that I know, let me tell you something. I don't like you too. I don't like G A Y peoples especially you. ''Melvin exaggerates GAY.

''What did you said? ''I yelled as I grab his dirty shirt, trying to punch him.

''I said I DON'T LIKE GAY PEOPLES! ''He yelled as he punch me back.

''Hey what's happening here? ''Stephanie asked.

''They're arguing because of......''Analyn said.

''Long story. ''Lea said.

''Let's tell this to Faith. ''Analyn said.

''You have to be ready gay and dwarf!  ''Lea laughed.

''Yeah and we don't care! ''We yelled.        


      We went inside our classroom to tell Faith that there's something wrong.

''Faith! Faith! Where are you Faith! ''Analyn asked.

''Shut up! I'm in front of you! So what's the catch? ''Faith asked.

''There's something wrong! Let's go downstairs! ''I said as I hold her hand and went to the place.

''There they are! ''Karizza said.

     We saw how Melvin and Jasper fights. Jasper has a wound on his face. Melvin on the second hand has a wound on his face and a ruined shirt.

''What do you think you're doing? !''I yelled as I pinches their ears.

''Ouch Faith! Don't touch my Face. ''Jasper yelled.

''Faith! Let's call our medic. ''I suggested.

     Me and Karizza went to the other direction to find Yvonne. Luckily, on our way there's Yvonne with Jaden, Liam, Rej and Jaica.

''Yvonne! ''Karizza yelled to get their attentions.

''Yeah why? ''Jaden asked.

''Are you Yvonne? ''Karizza asked.

    They laughed.

''I'm sorry but we're being serious here. We need Yvonne this time. ''I said.

''Aha! There's someone in trouble so you'll need a medic! ''Rej said.

''Exactly! ''I said.

''You can go now! Let's talk again later. ''Liam said.

''Bye! ''Yvonne said as she wave her hand.

    We went back to the classroom and heard that Jasper and Melvin are not done with their business. 

''Faith! Here's our medic! ''I said as Yvonne waves her hand.

''Yvonne please heal their wounds. ''Faith said as Yvonne get her kit.

''Yvonne! Me first! ''Jasper said.

'No! Me first! ''Melvin said.

''Me! ''

''Me! ''

''Me! ''

''Me! ''

''SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU! ''Faith yelled and throw a thick book on Jasper and Melvin's face. Jasper fell on the table and looks like he's sleeping.

''Oh no! Faith look what you've done. ''Analyn said.

''Hey Jasper! Wake up! Wake up! !''Faith yelled.

''Jasper! Wake up or I'll kiss you! ''Analyn said.

     Jasper hurriedly woke up and push Analyn away in disgust.

''Yuck Analyn! I don't want you to be my first kiss.''Jasper said in disgust.

''Of course me too! ''Analyn said.

''Okay stop and I'll fix Jasper's wound. I have to get back.''Yvonne said.

     Yvonne fixed Jasper and Melvin's wounds. She hurriedly left the place and wen

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