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"You guys are okay?" One of the soldiers asked us while others are healing our wounds.

"No." Jaden said as Casey kicked her tummy. "Ouch Casey. Of course we are not okay. I'm telling the truth. Hey you, remove this bandage!"

"Author! Shut up! Yes we are fine, "I said sweetly and smiled to the soldier."Don't remove the bandage please." I heard Jaden said but but I glared at her.

I'm so thankful that me, Anika, Nicah, Jophnel, Jaden, Rej, Casey and Shmi are safe. But I'm still sad because our classmates died.

After Faith died, soldiers arrived to help us. They said, someone called them to help us. And I know that it's Miss Mendoza because she's the only one who can contact them. Yeh, I love that teacher.

I lean on the corner and looked each of them.

"Sharyl will you please stop giving me that look?" Anika said and covered her face with a clothe. Her forehead is wounded and her legs are bleeding. I'm so thankful that she's safe.

"Okay. "I looked on my left side and saw Nicah with a closed eyes. She opened it and she saw that I'm looking at her.

"Yeah why?" She asked but I shook my head. I looked on her and saw that she has a bandage on her arms and a band aid on her forehead.

I looked on the side of Nicah and saw Jophnel while crying at the soldier. She has a scar on her face and a bandage on her arm and legs.

I looked in front of me and saw Jaden fighting with a soldier and she looked at me.

"Hey nerd! Why are you looking at me?" She asked me but she's shouting. Tsk, she's just a meter away from me.

"Secret," I said and she glared at me and smiled. She has a bandage on her arm."Why are you smiling? "

"Secret, "she chuckled and I just rolled my eyes. I looked at my right side and saw Casey, Shmi and Rej, crying.

"Hey why are you crying? "I asked them curiously.

"Tears of joy," they said in chorus. I just chuckled and closed my eyes.

I can't believe it that I'm still alive. We are still alive. But still, I'm sad because out of 36, we're only 8 that remained safe.

"You are here. Don't worry, the place all over the world is safe now," One of the soldier said and help us get out of the truck. Yeh, they helped us and we just told them the address of the school. Cool right?

We went outside and started stretching but I stopped when I felt my wounds are opening.

"Hey guys! What's our plan now?" Anika asked while yawning and removing her bandages and band aid.

"I guess let's go back to our homes and if they're not there, let's go back here at school. I'll miss you guys," Shmi said and hugged us all.

"Maybe let's not check our houses. Let's stay here. Because--"I stopped when Jaden talked.

"This is our home. I'm already home. We are already ho--" she stopped too when I throw a rock on her face.

"Hey that's my line! "I pout and crossed my arms."Yeh that's right guys, we are already home."

Yaay I'm done! Lol sorry if the ending is soo boring I just don't know what will happen and my neighbor is not helping me -_- So yeah, thank you all for supporting this story.

Thanks nerd for chasing me at school and everyday you are reminding me to update I love you take care you are the best!

Thanks dude for the ideas you are gaving me and commenting here and everything! You are awesome!

Thanks best friend for commenting here too and to my other stories I love you! Don't forget about me and the ant that you didn't kill lol.

Thanks Nicah for reading this and sorry if I'm too lazy sometimes (I mean every time lol) And I told you, I'm not gonna kill you here.

Thanks Alvia Casey! Hey I said I'm sorry and I mean it. Thanks for reading this and reminding me to update TWICE so I ended this story lol.

Thanks to those silent readers I hate you all lol I'm just kidding.

Soo, BYE lol. Yaay I can't believe that I'm done! I decided to finish this because my parents will arrive soon and because of Sharyl who finished her story (Stella Cadente) go check it out lol.

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