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''I will tell this to Faith.''Anika said as she run toward our building. Jaden, Jaica, Sharyl, Liam and Rej chased her but she's fast.



        I was on the classroom and resting. Suddenly, Anika barged in, catching her breath and being chased by Sharyl, Liam, Jaden, Rej and Jaica.

''So....What's the catch?''I asked Anika.

''I'll tell you something. ''Anika said.

''What?''I asked.

''Jaden and her friends pr...''Anika said but Jaden covered her mouth.

''What's happening? ''I asked but they didn't mind me. They continued fighting and covering Anika's mouth.

''Faith! ''Anika yelled.

''Stop!''I yelled and they stop fighting and faced me.

''Continue Anika. What's the catch? ''I said and they take their seat.

''Please Anika. Don't tell her! ''Jaden begged Anika.

''Tell me what?!''I yelled.

''Okay so here's the story.....Jaden, Liam, Rej and Jaica was walking before us. They planned that they'll prank us. Liam pretend to be Hunter but their plan failed. The true Hunter approached us. He was close to eat me but Liam stabbed him and I said that I'll tell this to you.''Anika said.

''Oh no! She continued! ''Jaden said.

''Why did you do that? What if someone died? ''I said.

''We're sorry! We didn't mean to..''Jaica said.

''Okay let's just forget this. Jaden! Jaica! Liam! And Rej! Say sorry to Anika. ''I said.

''Anika!....... ''They yelled.

''Why are you shouting? ''I said.

''Anika.We're sorry. Please forgive us.Faith, we didn't shout.''They said.

''Okay. I'm fine.''Anika said.

''Okay forget it. We will scan the place and kill the other zombie. ''I said.

''Ma'am yes ma'am! ''They shouted.

      We went to the covered court and saw our other classmates.

''Hey! Let's camp.''Jasper said.

''In this condition, do you think we're safe to camp? ''Jaden asked.

''It will be fun. Come on don't be kill joy. This will be our bonding time.''Rej said.

''Yeah you're right! ''Yvonne said.

''Yvonne! Where did you came from? ''Jaica asked.

''Somewhere! ''Yvonne said.

''Let's get the foods on our room. ''I said.

     We get the other foods and some sticks and the boys build a bonfire.

''So....What's our topic? ''I asked.

''I know! ''Escape the Campus.''Justine said.

''Yeah. Do you know that we can escape this school if we want to.Look at the gates, it's not locked. ''Jasper said.

''Jasper, we need to kill all of the zombies.''John David said.

''Why not? We can escape this Campus if we want to. ''Yvonne said.

''Do you think that our parents are worried about us?''Jophnel asked.

''Wait! Why do parents pop in your mind? ''Shmi asked.

''Yes! What if they are worried? What will we gonna do?''Gospel asked.

''Yeah! What will we gonna do when we escape this campus? ''Anika asked.

''Do you think we will go to our own house and check for their conditions? ''Sharyl asked.

''No! Let's continue our journey. ''Stephanie said.

''No! I'm worried about their conditions. ''Nadine said.

''Okay if you want to check them, go with yourself. It's too dangerous. ''Lea said.

''Yeah you're right! ''Cezreel said.

''Next topic please! ''Analyn said.

''Yeah and it will be about the old phone that Shmi got.''Jeremy said.

''Yeah so where's the phone? ''Prince asked.

''Shmi hide it!''Karizza said.

''I've heard that you've discovered a camera in that phone. Let's take a picture! ''Casey said.

''Not now.''Jaica said.

''Yeah not now. We need to eat and eat and eat. ''Matthew said.

''Yeah! I'm hungry. ''Rej said.

''You're always hungry Rej! ''Nicah said.

''Next topic again. ''Patrick said.

''Yes and it will be the.....Jaden! Think for the topic. ''Kyra said.

''Why me? Okay the topic will be the place that we will go when we escape this campus. ''Jaden said.

''Yeah so where's the place? ''Rianne asked.

''On the park!''Rianne said.

''Eww! On the hospital! ''Bea said.

''Creepy! On the zoo! ''Gideon said.

''No! On the Jail! ''Liam said.

''Duhh! It will be on the resort. ''Shaun suggested.

''No! ''Melvin said.

''I know! Let's go to the Mall! ''Ariss said.

''Nice suggestion! So let's go back! ''I said.

     We went back and sleep.

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