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     It's 6:00 and I'm still staring on Jaden's fingers.

''Wake up! ''I nagged her arms.

''Heyy guys, let's eat! ''Faith opened the door.

''But how about m-''

''Oh Faith, she's a nurse.For now.'' Anika said.

''How will---''

''I'll just give you. Later. ''Faith left the place with Anika and Yvonne.

I'm alone again. Forever. Alone.

''Heyy Sharyl. ''Someone knocks on the door.

''It's open! ''I yell.

''Oh, sorry. ''Kyra laugh.

''What? ''I ask.

''Nothing. Why are you here? ''She ask.

''Being a nurse. '' I said.

''Oh, Faith said that your food is coming. Just wait for a bunch of hour. ''She chuckle.

''Are you serious?!''

''Nah, I'm just. Kidding. Faith sent me here because she know that you're, Alone.'' She said.

''I'm not alone. ''I pointed Jaden.

''Oh so, you don't need me?'' She ask

''Just stay here for a while. ''I said.

    After a bundle of minute, Anika arrived with a plate on her hands.

''Delivery! ''She said.

''You can leave now Kyra. ''I said.

''K, bye! ''She slammed the door.

Bad trip?

Anika cough so that I can remember that she's still here.

''Oh sorry, come here. ''I said.

''Well this is your dinner, for now. ''Anika handed me the food.

''I can't eat all of this''

''Yah, I know. Faith said that after you finish eating the half of that dish, you have to sleep.'' She said.

''Why? It's only Si--''

''Just follow what she said and keep your mouth shut. ''She said.

''I'll stay here to protect you. ''She said as I eat. After awhile, I sleep just like what Faith said.

''Night Sharyl. ''

''Will you please move away?'' I ask, kinda irritated because she's sitting on my feet.

''Oh, sorry. ''She moved a little bit away from me as I sleep.


       She's sleeping now. The place was quiet and cold. Oh no, not now. I'm afraid. Suddenly, I heard someone trying to open the door. I jumped happily as I open the door.

''Oh hi! Bye! ''I hurriedly lock the door. I lean on the door and look for my Magnum. I didn't recharge this day. I don't have an extra bullet. I can't go downstairs because there are  Smokers outside! I scan the room and get the bag of Sharyl. Oh, she's not using any gun. I get the bag of Jaden and I'm so lucky! There are Sniper, Shotgun, Machine gun, Pistols and MAGNUM!  I hurriedly grab it and went to the door. I slowly open it and there's a fast zombie that scratch my arms.

''Die! You broke my shirt ugly zombie! ''I stab him on his chest and cut his head. I kill all of the zombies and went inside.  Where's Yvonne? Or at least Casey? I need a Medic!

I went outside and stare on the ground and saw Yvonne with Nicole and Liam. Nicole drinks a BEER?!! What the heck?!

''Yvonne!! Come here!!'' I yell.

''Why? ''She ask as they hurriedly went upstairs.

''So, what's your problem? ''Nicole chuckle as she pokes my arms with some blood.

''Sorry 'bout that. ''Liam said.

''What's happening? ''I ask them.

''Well, she have to gain a lot of blood so, we look for a beer. ''Yvonne said.

''Heyy, where's Jaden? ''Nicole ask.

''Inside! ''I said.

''What happened to your arm? ''Yvonne ask as she get her kit.

''A zombie scratched my arm. ''I reply as she fix the wound. I went downstairs to look for Faith.

''Faith! Faith where are you?!'' I yell inside the canteen and saw her eating with Jezelle, Christine and Kyra.

''Why? ''She ask.

''What will I do? ''I ask. What am I talking about?

''Oh, about Sharyl? ''She ask.

''Yeah, aha. ''I said. Sheet! What's happening.

''Just wake her up later before 12. ''She said as I nod. I went back to our room.



      They're all sleeping. I look on my watch and it's 11:56 in the evening.

''4 minutes left.'' I'm talking to myself.





    I hurriedly nagged Sharyl's arms.

''What the heck is your problem?!'' She ask as she slowly open her eyes.

''You have to guide Jaden the whole night. Night Night! ''I stretch my arms and sleep.

Sorry Sharyl! :)

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