Wilding Me Out

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Go check out Trap Queen! Vote and leave comments! Also Kaee Day (my birthday) is slowly approaching! Feb. 5th, lol y'all better not forget.

Read the a/n at the end of the chapter! I have an announcement for you guys.

On with the chapter...

C h a p t e r  15: Wilding Me Out

Got me callin' all your so-called friends
Seeing what you did last night again
I can't sleep, I can't eat
You done beat me at my own game, baby
Yes you did -Wilding Me Out x Gerald Levert

Monique Dash.

"I haven't seen you in a minute." Dominic said taking a seat by me. "How you been?"

I thought back to the last time I saw him. I was in the hospital and had just given birth to Zae. Since I was super out of it that day, I really don't even remember him being there.

"You're right, it's been a minute." I nodded. "I've been good, just been taking care of Zaelyn and whatnot."

"Do you like being a mom?" He asked then took a sip from the drink he had in his hand.

"Yes, I love it. Zaelyn gives me a new reason to live. I wouldn't have it any other way." I said. "I just wish his dad didn't make me feel so unappreciated."

"Ohh, that doesn't sound like any of my business." He said putting his hands up in defense.

I took the shot that the bartender placed in front of me. After making a face because of the burning sensation, I cleared my throat.

"You're right. Wanna dance?"

He shrugged. "Lets go."

I got up and started walking towards the dance floor. I couldn't even get two proper steps in before Adrianna pulled me by the arm causing me to lean into her.

"Two wrongs don't make a right." She said into my ear, and with that she got up with her drink and headed back to the section.

"You good?" Dominic asked when he noticed I wasn't moving.

I shook my head then grabbed Dominic's hand. "Yeah, lets go."

We got to the dance floor, which was crowded as hell, then started moving to the fast pace music that was playing.

"Yo we got the Dash kids in the building!" The DJ said stopping the music.

The thick crowd of people started cheering and some of them started taking pictures and videos.

"Damn, is it like this every time you and your siblings go out?" Dominic asked.

I laughed and shook my head. "No, when we go out to like regular places it's always chill. But when we come to any Club Green, because of who we are, they treat us like celebrities." 

The DJ played a few fast songs then slowed it down a bit by playing Sexplaylist x Omarion.

The thought that this song was a little too intimate for Dominic and I to dance to crossed my mind, but by that point the liquor had already taken me. There was no going back.

I kept feeling Dominic's hands creep down to my ass as my fingers fingered through his curls.

Don't get me started by the way that you keep me higher
And I'm serious girl you know you don't have to play

He squeezed my butt causing me to jump a little.

"You gonna get me in trouble girl." He said laughing at my reaction.

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