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A beautiful man next to him, Doyoung can't take his gaze away.  "Uhm Asahi-Sshi?." He starts talking so that the silence among them is broken. Asahi sees him, and Doyoung is uncertain as to what to do. His heart started to beat more quickly. He felt this in front of a man for the first time, except his ex. "Anything you need?" Asahi asked, the younger male would shake his head, and Jaehyuk has a meeting with his investors that's why he asks Doyoung to accompany Asahi as he goes, they are currently in the company cafeteria.

"hm..." Because Asahi was still staring at him, he discreetly touches the back of his head. "Would you like something to eat?" Because he remembered that you two hadn't had breakfast, Jaehyuk Hyung told me to feed you. He took a deep breath. Finally, he was able to communicate with the latter in a normal manner. "Anything." Because Asahi doesn't know what food he should eat, his system doesn't have any food data, he claims."Okay, I'll place my order. Simply sit here and do not move until I return because if I lost you, Jaehyuk Hyung may assassinate me." Asahi simply nodded and sat down where Doyoung indicated. He blinked his eyes to scan the entire area, which he saved in his system.  "Look at the guy I saw earlier in the lobby." He can hear what someone says even if they only whisper it. "He is so attractive that I want to be close to him, but he could be Mr. Yoon's boyfriend." boyfriend? Isn't it food? He became perplexed because he kept hearing the word "boyfriend," but he had no idea what it meant.

"Asahi, here is the food." Doyoung placed the tray in front of Asahi, then smiled. "I'm sorry for taking too long. The ladies wanted to know your name or any info about you, but I told them that we had just met a while ago. " The secretary sat beside him. Asahi was just eyeing the food in front of him, trying to scan what kind of food and ingredients were inside of it. "It's a teobokkie I don't know what food you like. That's why I order the most popular." Doyoung explained.

"Thank you very much, Doyoung-sshi." Asahi began to eat after saying something. Doyoung couldn't help but return his gaze to him. He's so adorable when he's eating!

"Oh well! What exactly do we have here? Dobby, have you found a replacement for me?" Doyoung's good mood was ruined when he heard his ex's voice. "He's far too attractive. How did you track him down?" Unknown man sat directly in front of them. Asahi could sense danger from him, and his system even warned him.  "Dohwan, could you please stop talking? He isn't even my boyfriend! Jaehyuk Hyung asked me to look after him." Dohwan didn't believe what the secretary said. "Do you think I'm stupid? Doyoung, I recognize you. We've been dating for three years, and I know everything there is to know about you." They just stare at each other while Asahi eats his food quietly.

"This table is packed with envious jerks. I don't want you to get infected because hyung will kill me if you do." They were about to leave when Dohwan intervened. "What do you think you're going to do?" Dohwan became irritated when Asahi ignored him. Nobody dared to mess with him! Doyoung's position in the company is higher than his, but he is still superior.  He got his hands around Asahi's neck. He intended to strangle him, but he inadvertently touched something that resembled a button.

"Warning! System Shutdown"

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