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Asahi eyes squinted as the sunlight reflect on this face, he feel like waking up from a deep sleep making him groaned to feel too much pain on the body. Where was he? The last time he remembered that he was on Jaehyuk's unit, having a rest after cleaning but suddenly there was a visitor and everything turned black, "Asahi-kun can you hear me?" An unknown voice whispered, it was speaking in a lauguage he really knows which is japanese.

"I know your confuse right now but I'm a friend, Jaehyuk knows me. I'm sorry for the headache, it was a side effects don't worry it will be gone any minute." As the voice said, Asahi immediately feel the throbbing pain of his head. "I hack into you system to wake you up seem the kidnappers has no plan to wake you up, by the way I'm Kotaro," Kotaro typed, the others was looking at him even Jaehyuk, they can see what Asahi, that the work of technology tho, "We're currently near of the possible hiding place so we need you to cooperate with us." Asahi unconsciously nod, he look around to find an escape route, but he gasped as his eyes lock on the male currently sitting on a chair and hand tied behind. "That's our friend, he got kidnapped first before you." Kotaro look at Yeongue beside him. "We need you both to get out there before the police arrive so that you are both safe but before that please bare a little bit of pain." Keita smile before pressing the button, even though it's not a easy process they have to cut down Asahi location from the Studio as soon as possible. The humanoid robot felt an intense shock from it like having a short circuit. "I'm sorry Asahi-san." The other Japanese muttered.

"Byunggon hyung was currently having a meeting with the CIX unit, don't worry they are the special unit of the police and no one knows they work for us." Seunghun explained, they rent a nearest house on the possible hide out of their enemies, calling their other members to help them hack the CCTVs, "Can you ask him if there are some cameras around the room?" Junhao inquired, as soon Kotaro type it the other party replied and show it to them. "I could hack that and replace the video." They watch the Chinese do it. "Now for the escape plan, as much as possible we can't let them get caught." Hyunsuk show them a route, "there are some guards around." The red ones that blinking indicating the position of guards while green for where the cameras are being place, While the other is n task of videotaping so that the security won't notice the plan to escape. "Send this to Asahi."   The oldest among instructed, since their Leader still wasn't here then, Seunghun was in charge. They watched Asahi gently removing the ties on Yoonbin, the programmer body is full of fresh and old bruise even have cuts surely it will leave a scars in the future, he was still unconscious making them hard to escape. "We no choice the CIX unit was coming,"

Jaehyuk couldn't help but to feel worried about Asahi, "Can I go?" He asked making everyone stop on what they are doing. "I mean can I go inside to help them escape." Jihoon stand up and hold his cousin's shoulder to face, "Are you out of your mind? If that uncle of yours see you inside do you he won't hesitate to kill you?" The young ceo gulped, yes there is a possibility if he go there without a plan he won't make it out alive. "But Asahi is-"

"Let the police handle it, come on we need to change the plan," Seunghun immediately command the team.

"Hyung, I'm already at the position," Keum told his leader, he was hidden on a tree as a sniper and a back up also if anything happens, "Good, where are the others." Yonghwa asked in a hush tone through their earpiece, the other members give him a sign where they are, "Officer Bae Jinyoung was currently on the vent he needs to save the victims after we blow out the whole building." Jeff announced, the youngest of the team left inside the van to monitor everything through their body cam, "Byunggon hyung's team send us the blueprint of the building and their spy said that the owner of Treasure Studio is inside also," he added. Baeksung stretching his arms then hold his gun firmly, "So it's like killing two bird in one stone." They been on mission to investigate the studio for human trafficking and they couldn't arrest the CEO due the lack of evidence now that some of studio employees appeared in their department to report the rumors are true, they won't let go this chance.

"Jinyoung don't to anything reckless, " Yonghwa warned his boyfriend first, "Follow the plan everyone, I don't want any of you getting shot or injured tonight." He silently take the lead. A-min and Ayden, the twins being skilled agent slowly taking down every guards they meet without making any noise, while Yewang was following behind them but as the ace of their every he took down what the other two have miss. Jinyoung halted as he already reach the room where are the victims, one of them is still unconscious. "Hyung, got them but we need to to escape."he whispered, grabbing his tools to open the vent. "Jeff can you contact  the other team, tell them I saw their friends." He commanded which the younger immediately do, suddenly the blonde male look  where he was and giving him a sign. Jinyoung get it as he quickly remove the metal bars while Asahi drag the unconscious male, "Let's get him out first."

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