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Asahi sighed, he was annoyed by the flashing lights of the camera because someone people are taking a picture of him even some of them are staring at him and he doesn't know why Jaehyuk chuckled noticing the other annoyance. "Hey, Do you want something I could get for you?" He leaned over to whisper in Asahi's ear, he successfully got the other's attention. "Just a glass of water, I'm thirsty." Jaehyuk smiled, "Stay here, I go get it." Then leave.

Asahi was alone together with Sanha who was lazy to roam around and talk to the investors, the other CEO let the adult do it cause they have more experience than him, also Jaehyuk's secretary was busy babysitting the newly or not adopted Yoon (Jungwhan). Seeing Jaehyuk leaving Asahi alone, he is willing to grab this opportunity to talk to the latter he's been curious about. Ever since he meets the other, not really because Jaehyuk arrives at the hospital carrying a sleeping male between his hands. Sanha couldn't stop thinking about him, even after the announcement that their Father will be going to choose the next CEO if something happens to their older brother. He couldn't take his eyes off the other but Jaehyuk was there with him always. He couldn't help but feel jealous of their closeness, he wish he meet Asahi first.

"Uhm Hi?" An unfamiliar male suddenly approaches Asahi but Sanha knows him because he meet the man five years ago. "I'm the CEO of YK entertainment, everyone was talking about you since you arrive with Yoon's. They are not joking that you are so handsome, would you like to join our company?." The man asks, Asahi's eyes scan the man in front of him trying to check if is true. "Hi there Mr Min, long time no see." Sanha immediately stands up and greets the other Ceo, Mr Min gulp he suddenly shows up. "Oh! Sanha you grow up to fast, I didn't even recognize you." The CEO release a smile but Sanha know that it was fake. "I guess I need to go now, and oh this is my company card if you are interested. " He didn't forget to give Asahi the card before leaving, Sanha smirked. "Tch that fucktard." He mumbled then steal the card from Asahi, "Don't engage with him," then tear it.

"Thank you?" Asahi said more like asked the taller smile. "Your welcome," Sanha feel like some butterflies roaming around his stomach. "I'm Yoon Sanha, by the way." He extends his arms to Asahi. "I know, you're Jaehyuk's second older brother." Sanha mentally slaps himself, of course, he knows him they even meet each every day. "Your name is Asahi right, I'm just curious if you're a foreigner because your name sounds like from another country." Asahi nodded in response, honestly, he doesn't know if he is from the other country but he remembered Jaehyuk introducing him that he was from Japan and having a vacation here in South Korea. "I'm from Japan, just arrived here a few months ago." He lied. "Oh, that is why." Sanha was seriously nervous talking to him but he don't want to let go of the opportunity. Asahi look back to where Jaehyuk disappear earlier, the young CEO hasn't back yet and Sanha notice that other was not looking at him. "Maybe the investors or some potential shareholders caught him on his way."  He successfully redeems the other's attention back to him. "You know Ceo's duties." He chuckled, trying to make Asahi comfortable with him.

"I been curious, how did you both meet? My brother was very  busy at the company always he never bother to go out and have fun." He sit beside him where his mother was sitting. "The studio delivered me to him." Sanha got confused about what Asahi said, he was about to ask him again but suddenly Jaehyuk arrive and put his hands on the robot's shoulder holding him not too tight. "Your so close." He whispered making Asahi startled but he immediately compose himself so that they won't notice. "Thank you for accompanying him, hyung." He gave out a smile but his eyes were glaring at the older. "It's my pleasure, next time don't leave him alone in case someone might kidnap him. " The second older Yoon smirked glaring back at his brother, both of them having an intense mentally fight with their eyes even Asahi could feel the tension between them so he hold Jaehyuk hands earning attention. "Don't fight." With that, his expression turns soft like a puppy. "Okay!" He glances at his brother for the last time and then sits on the opposite side of Asahi, Lady Oh arrives at the scene and couldn't believe that this unknown person controls the youngest Yoon. Seeing his mother, Sanha disappointingly returned to his sit but at least he was given a chance to talk to the person he's been having an interest in. 

"Hyung! Their chocolate fountain is so delicious." Jungwhan run towards them while holding a cup of chocolate syrup and another cup full of marshmallows, some chocolate splattered on his face good things Mrs Yoon put a handkerchief on his suit so that he won't have a mess. He looks like a child but he is literary a child. "Aigoo! Our Jungwhan eat too much. Come here let dad wipe your face." Lady Oh snickered as she see how the Yoon Patriarch babying another person, Jaehyuk laughs. " If Junkyu sees this he might already sign the adoption paper."

"Nah, Kyu hyung loves me so much." Jungwhan let them wipe the chocolate on his family, and the young CEO notice that someone is missing. "Where is Doyoung?" He asks, "Someone pull him away earlier." A certain Bang Yedam appeared in his mind.

Mr Yang put down a glass of wine on the table, "How long are you going to stay here?" He asks staring at the lady in front of him. "Maybe a month, I just want to get away from the problem a bit before facing it." She answered playing with the glass she was holding, " but your company gave out a deadline for your missing son, how can you have a vacation here instead of finding him." The lady glared at him. "My husband plans it all, it's just a show."

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