Twenty Five

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I stand in the middle of the field, eyes blazing with the rage that I was feeling. Behind me, Brian stood as quiet as a statue, his gaze locked on Alex who was currently being held by my guards. Cole was at my side, formally dressed in black attire, and I walk slow over to Alex.

"Today," I say, loud enough for the packs to hear, "you are being sentenced for your crimes against our kind. You have not only harmed humans, our absolute law, but you have also exposed our kind to them. You have murdered an innocent Alpha Female and have brought pain to a pack that should have never been involved. Do you have any last words?"

His grin is sadistic, eyes staring straight into my soul. We stare at one another until he shakes his head. "I hope you know what you're doing, my Queen."

"Oh," I whisper, "I do."

His eyes widen in pain when I shove my hand through his chest, fingers shifting to claws as I grip his heart. He looks down at my hand before looking up at my face, tears coming to surface, and I give him a grin that I knew would follow him into the next life.

"You were a pathetic Alpha, Alexander."

When I rip my hand out, the blood hits both of us. His eyes dull and his head drops the moment I drop the organ to the ground, taking the towel from Dominic to clean myself off. I turn to Brian, giving him a small smile, and bow my head in respect.

"I know it will not dull the pain that he has caused you, but I hope you are able to have a lighter soul knowing that he was given the punishment he deserves."

He lowers his head, hands gentle and warm on my face, and presses our foreheads together. It was an act that only Ancients did, and I close my eyes while my shoulders slump.

"I appreciate everything you do for me, Liana."

I look up after he moves away, turning on his heel to go back to his pack. Dominic sticks to my side as we both watch him shift with his guards behind him, turning into blurs through the trees. He directs guards to take the body for a sendoff, our pack slowly departing, and I look over at Eric and Link who were steal healing.

"They didn't see anything, did they?" I whisper, looking up at him.

"No, sweetheart. But they will probably ask you about the blood on your clothes."

I mumble underneath my breath and give them a smile that slowly falters when I see them up close. "How are you guys healing?"

Link gives a sad smile. "We're fine, Lia."

"I'll give you some space."

When Dominic leaves, I cross my arms over my chest, not daring to meet their eyes. For a few seconds, we all sit in silence before Link pulls me into his arms, burying his face into my shoulder. My eyes feel hot when I hug him back, curling into his chest, and suddenly I feel small. He laughs airily while he holds me, fingers tangling themselves in my hair, and his grip tightens.

"Lia," he starts, "we aren't afraid of you. You can't scare us off that easily."

I shake my head and grip his shirt. "It isn't that easy, Link."

"Sure, it is. You're my best friend, plus it's kind of cool that my boyfriend is a werewolf. It's been my long-lost fantasy since Twilight and werewolf stories."

I laugh at his comment, hard enough that my stomach cramps and tears brim in my eyes. "You're so stupid."

"Just a little," he agrees. "But we both love you, Lia. Too much to let you go because you turn into a furry dog."

I snort and shake my head. "Don't let anyone hear you say that."


We both turn our head to Harlan as he walks over, a wide grin on his face. Link meets him halfway, giving him a kiss that I teasingly gag at, and then Harlan grins at us. "Well, glad the awkward talk is out of the way. Thanks, Alpha."

"This is still too weird," I moan. "Stop. Goodbye, Link. Please enjoy your date."

They both wave before Harlan leads him to the front of the house, their hands intertwined and cheesy grins on their faces while they look at one another. Slowly, I turn my attention back to Eric, eyes trailing his face.

"So how do you feel about all of this, Eric?" I ask.

He runs his fingers through his hair before not looking me in the eyes. "I'm pretty sure I have some mental issue going on if I'm being honest. Anyone in my position would be panicking."

I nod. "Yes, that's the normal reaction."

Chewing on his lip, he looks down at me. "I was hoping to ask you out on a date when I thought you and Dominic were broken up. But I see it's a lot more complicated than I originally thought."

"I'm sorry about that."

He gives me a sad smile and pulls me into his arms. "Having you as a friend is enough for me."

While I laugh, my wolf tenses, urging me to be on guard. I smell something unfamiliar, turning quickly around, and stare at Aaron who was growling at me. His eyes were pitch black, hands shaking at his sides, and I turn to shove Eric away when he lunges. Nothing happens other than Eric stumbling away a few steps, but I hear snarling circling us. Dominic stood there, his wolf in control, and his ears flatten against his head. On his right, Claus stood ever so protective, arms crossed over his chest while my warriors' inch their way to my side.

"What's going on?" Eric whispers.

"It's their job to protect their Alpha," I explain. "Aaron tried to attack."

"You killed my brother!" He yells. "You think it's over now that he's dead?"

"He broke the law, Aaron." Claus explains. "The consequences were justified."

He laughs, pointing directly at me, and narrows his eyes. "War is coming, Liana. This isn't over yet."


alas, we have finished book one.  writing this two years ago was a journey for me, and for that, I will always love this novel even with its imperfections.  i am currently working on book two, but I'm thinking about editing this one a bit and adding a bit more drama into it.

thank you for loving the novel as much as i have! i appreciate you all for going forward with this with me. see you in book two ♥

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