Twenty Three

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I pace the floor, doing my best to keep myself under control, and wait for Claus to get here. Cole sat behind my desk, fingers buried into the strands of his hair, and I could see the guilt that was eating away at him. Right as I open my mouth, the door slams open and we both look over at Claus whose aura resembled a warrior.

"What's going on?" he asks.

"Someone took Dominic on his way to Liana's. It seems there were people keeping watch, so right as Link and Eric left, they took them." Cole explains.

"They're trying to get to Lia."

"Yeah," I agree. "And they have a lot of guts to target humans. It's our law that they remain untouched unless it's survival."

"Do we have any leads?"

Claus walks over to the desk after closing the door behind him, his arms crossed over his chest. I pass him a list of everyone that Cole and I had considered with our number one being Alex.

"Axel told me today that someone took Cameron. The only person who knew of us having issues was Alex himself since he saw what happened at the last meeting."

"And Dominic hasn't contacted you, right?"

I nod. "My best guess is he was knocked out. Otherwise he would have not only fought back but he would have contacted me."

Three quick taps, and we all turn to look at the guard who opens the door. "We have a lead, Alpha. We have guards following it currently. All three scents have been picked up on and grow faint when they're moved by a vehicle but it's enough that we can follow."

"All heading in the same direction?" I ask. When he nods, I grit my teeth. "Which way?"

"North East, Alpha."

"Follow them, however, make sure there are guards left over. Take some of mine with you for the added protection." Cole orders.

He nods, closing the door softly behind him, and I stand at Cole's side as I search around for the map of all the territories here. He leans over my shoulder to look with me, watching as I draw my finger from our location up to where the guard described.

I frown. "They're not going to Alex's territory at all."

"They're heading up to Brian's. But why?" he asks.

Pushing away from the desk, I open the door to the closet and feel around until I pull out the bag I was looking for. I pull it over my shoulders, making sure there were extra clothes inside, and drag out the bow and arrows that I hadn't seen in years.

"Lia?" Claus asks.

"Claus, you will stay behind and run the pack until I return. Isabelle should remain back as well, Cole."

He nods, sending her a link to let her know, and I slam the door once I pull out the sword. "What's that?"

"Something that was given to my family generations ago. My father told me it's to never be used unless against another Alpha."

Handing him the bow, I settle the sword on my hip and walk out of the office without another word. A few guards follow us per Cole's orders, and when I pass Isabelle, he fills her in. I hear her soft words before Claus meets her side, ready to make sure nothing happens.

"I will let you know anything that happens, Alpha," she says.

"Be safe and remember that they need to be transferred today. Do not tell anyone the location. Claus, do what you see fit to the traitors in the cells and be sure that no one lets Jillian out. I have a bad feeling about her."

Bite Me, Wolfy. (Rated R)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora