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He glares at me, pulling me to him by my waist so we could both sit in the beanbag chair. I shift so I'm comfortable, legs extended infront of me, and switch over to my profile. Eric and I talk about strategies while it loads, every now and then feeling the glare that Dominic was giving me, and when it finally begins, we sit there in concentration, successfully passing the levels that Link kept killing him at.

I smirk at Eric, seeing him start to visibly panic when the zombies start getting worse and focus my attention back on the game. "If you cause me to die, I'll beat your ass."

"I'll try not to," he replies.

We keep going for a few more minutes before we both die, reaching a few levels below my high score. I give him a high five before making my way back to a frowning Dominic, his eyes glazed over. Whatever was going on, I knew he was talking to either his Beta or his pack, and every few seconds that pass he grows tenser.

After Link takes back over, I stare at Dominic, waiting patiently for him to finish. Eventually, he closes his eyes and takes a hand down his face, biting hard enough on his lip that it bleeds. Worriedly, I squeeze his shoulder, letting him know that he could talk to me.

It seems someone is planning to attack me, he starts.

I stare at him, shocked. Attack you? For what?

I don't know.

He sighs, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "I have to go, Lia. I have things to take care of."

"I'll see you later?"

Smiling, he agrees before leaving, once again letting it just be me and the boys. I take a seat between both of them and watch them play games, every now and then giving Eric tips on how to beat Link. We all sit in the room until the sky grows dark, all of us hungry.

"Want to go to the boardwalk?" Link asks.

Like a child, I grin. "Will you buy me dinner?"

He laughs and nods, letting me run out of the room to change out of my clothes. I change into a skirt and crop top, thankful for the first chance I had to dress up and meet the boys downstairs after I pull on my converses. They both look up at me when I reach them, both blushing while Link twirls my keys in his hand.

"Can I drive?"

Narrowing my eyes at him, I hesitantly nod. "Be safe with my baby."

The drive to the boardwalk is awkward with me able to sense Eric's arousal, Link only feeling nervous. I shift every now and then in my seat, being sure to not meet Eric's eye to make this even more awkward, and hop out with my keys in my hand when he parks. A few of my pack members are walking around, hands locked with their mates, and they all politely smile when I walk by. Link, after my constant begging, drags us over to one of the booths to eat.

"Just so you know," he whispers, "Lia is a fat ass. Never offer to buy her food."

His comment annoys me, and just to piss him off, I order at least half of the menu out of spite. Link sulks when he hands his debit card over, me cheekily smiling up at him when I sip happily on my milkshake.

"Are you ever going to say that to someone again?" I ask him, all three of us sliding into a picnic table as we wait for my food.


Grinning, I look at him. "What was that?"

"No, Liana."

Eric chuckles at the both of us, shaking his head. He sat there munching on cheese fries, looking around the lit up rides. "What do you want to get on first?"

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