Twenty Two

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I focus on Dominic's scent in the room to pull myself away from him, not looking him in the eyes. "This will never happen again. Do you understand me?"

He obediently nods, unable to fight when I order him, and I slam the door hard behind me. It rattles the photos on the wall, a few heads poking out in curiosity, but I walk past them while I run my hands down my face. In the kitchen, the boys munch on a sandwich, lost in conversation, and I look up in time to see Dominic hit someone in the face. Blood splatters the ground while he clenches his fists, yelling something I was unable to hear, but the stormy look on Cole's face as he looks at the guy explains it all.

"Are you ready?" I ask.

Link looks up, a smile on his face, and nods. "How does pizza for dinner sound? I'm sure you really didn't want to cook."

I laugh. "No, not really."

He throws his arm around my shoulders, clinging to my left side, and Eric steps up to my right. "How is our Lia? Eric tells me you spent time with him last night. Why can't you come and visit me like that?"

Eric snickers. "She probably likes me more than you."

"I was here first," he defends. "Therefore, you are the lesser one."

Laughing, I steal the front seat of Eric's truck, sticking my tongue out at Link. He glares but otherwise gets in the back, mumbling hateful words in my ear the entire drive to my house. I drown out his voice by turning the music up loud, singing annoyingly out of tune, and grin cheekily at him.

"Lia, who's that?"

Looking over to where Eric was pointing, I frown at Axel as he sits patiently on the swing, eyes closed with his head laying back. "Family friend. You guys go ahead and go inside."

When they close the door behind them, Axel sits up, sighing. "Hello, little Alpha."

"Hey," I frown. "Everything okay?"

"I came to warn you. You are in danger."

I nod. "I know. I was warned by a rogue that someone was attacking us."

"No, Liana," he whispers. His hands hold me by my shoulders, eyes worriedly searching my face. "Cameron escaped. I do not know where he is, but I know he's coming after you. You need to be with someone at all times."

"Wait, what's going on with him? Why is he like this?"

Axel runs his fingers through his hair, pacing my porch. The seconds stretch into agonizingly long minutes before he looks at me once more. "It seems after he was rejected by his mate, he started to go insane. You and I both know his parents were never the best and after years of abuse, the insanity finally caught up to him. You were the one stable thing he had in his life."

"When did you find him missing?"

"I was told this morning when I was heading to my office. The guards believe someone took him as I had ordered him to stay."

Groaning, I run my hands over my face before dropping them. "I'll let Dominic know. Thank you for telling me."

He ruffles my hair, a sad smile on his face. "Anything for you, little one. Call if you need anything."

I watch him until he's back in the vehicle and is pulling away from my house. Sending a link to Dominic to let him know we needed to talk, I smile at the boys who were currently raiding my fridge.

Bite Me, Wolfy. (Rated R)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum