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Dominic and I stare at them in the windshield before I turn abruptly in my seat, narrowing my eyes at him. "You will behave or I will beatyour ass into your next life. Do you understand me, Dominic Zane Frey?"

He smirks at the use of his full name, holding my chin between his fingers. Breath fanning my face, I blush as he brushes our lips together. "No promises, sweetheart."

I stare at his back when he gets out, shutting the door behind him. The only thought that had me nearly falling as I get out in a hurry was the idea of him hurting the two of them. Dominic, seeing me stumble, grabs hold of my arm and pulls me to his chest.

"Which one of you is Link and which is Eric?" he asks.

I smack his arm, pulling myself out of his grip, and unlock the front door. "Ignore him. It's his time of the month."

"I'm just protecting what's mine, Liana."

I flip on the light to the living room and kitchen, pulling out the popcorn and candy. Dominic, already knowing where things should be, turns the television on and pops a movie into the player. While the popcorn pops, I look at Link and Eric in apology.

"He's definitely abrasive," I tell them, "but he means well."

Link, unconvinced, crosses his arms over his chest. "And you failed to mention to your best friend that you had a boyfriend?"

"He isn't my boyfriend."

Dominic smirks at my groan, pulling the bag out of the microwave to season it how he liked. "You know you want me to be."

When I don't disagree, his smirk only grows. "So!" I start. "Do you two want to stay for movies?"

Eric and Link look at each other before looking back at me, shrugging. "Sure. I haven't had a movie date with Lia in weeks."

"Still so overdramatic. We had one just a few days ago."

I take my spot next to Dominic on the love seat, propping my legs on the table as I lean into his side. The two of us share the popcorn while the other two make their own bowls, soon joining us after the menu screen appears. I stare at the screen, clenching my jaw, and glare at Dominic.

"You better be fucking joking."

Cheekily, he smiles. "What?"

"A horror?"

Eric, confused, looks between us before Link groans. He was obviously more confused, Link finally explaining as Dominic and I glare at one another. "Our Lia here is absolutely terrified of any horror movie. Whether it's a child horror or poltergeist, you can guarantee she won't be sleeping at all that night."

"This is why I hate when you choose the movies," I mutter to him. He chuckles, pulling me close to his side, and I toss a handful of popcorn in my mouth unattractively.

Throughout the night, I watch the movie through my fingers while Dominic, voice deep and dark, whisper things in my ear to only make me more scared. Knowing there was a jump scare coming up, I close my eyes tightly, waiting for it to happen. I hear her scream in the movie, and just as I'm about to continue watching through my fingers, I feel someone's hands grip my shoulders.

The scream that comes out of me is almost girly, yet it was made up by the blow into someone's chest. Link groans in front of me, hands holding himself between his legs, and Dominic silently laughs at my side.

"I am so sorry," I tell him. "I thought I hit your chest. At least now you know not to scare me!"

"I thought it would be funny!" he whines.

Bite Me, Wolfy. (Rated R)Where stories live. Discover now